Okay, not my style. Felt bad for killing the animals. gf cried.

Pretty fun, and finished really quickly. But that's okay as I feel like it didn't overstay its welcome.

Pretty fun, need to play through it properly.

I had fun going through this version of FF1 compared to the psx version. It was really fun to play it on the go on my ANBERNIC. Finally finished it and felt so accomplished!

Loved as a kid, still love it now. i boot it up every once in a while for some mindless fun!

Played for the first time on PS4 and put 1000+ hours into that damn game. I get so nostalgic thinking of all the fun we had playing that game and completing the EE on Zombies and playing hide and seek and Mike Myers on multiplayer. Me and my mate, in one day, completed the campaign with realistic difficulty and it is still one of the hardest things ever! A massive 5 for the fact that it made my childhood

Okay game. Finished it in one afternoon/evening and it was a good time waster. Seemed like an "interactive movie" more than anything, not the way its played, but by what the story was and how it was given. IDK it was okay!

Good game. Not much to say. Had some fun. Reminds me of Ex. That's not fun. Don't play with people you are going to lose.

Tried to like this but it's SO BORING!

Ehhhhh, kinda boring. It's just a DC movie with some fighting scenes...

Interactive movie. Was good, just okay also.