This game is good, the fun stuff you can do in this game is hard, but with good practice and determination gets easy.
This game online on certain platform is actually fantastic. Sure, I got called some slurs here and there, But sometimes they were cases when the other player went out of his way to complement your play style. The OST in this game ranges from the best renditions of Tears, last dance, ESAKA?,Kurinkinton and Kim themes I ever heard, to farts sounds renditions in example : beauty and beast, Diet, bloody and some others. The songs implemented into the gameplay sucks. You can never hear Tears complete or start because you either die or the match ends, this applies to every song.

It's fun, but my god, the arcade console limitations were on his limits. So this game as a whole feels like a great idea unfinished. Story was so good and a great start to the Ash saga. OST still had some bangers like Blaze, Cool Jam 2, Fairy '03, Splendid evil and other ones.

This game needed some help, it got the help to revive SNK era but my GOD. Revisiting this game now that XV is out makes XIV unfortunate.

The best modern KOF online, I recommend it with my heart bleeding from receiving the endless orochi yashiro súper grab that I know by memory. If you are new to KOF, this game is the best starting point in terms of Modern standard in fighting games.
Here's my outdated kof xv steam review in spanish:

8/10. Es un excelente KOF. Lo recomiendo
- Él online es muy bueno, muy pocas veces no encontré partida. Lo recomiendo 100% si te interesa, ya que es de los mejores KOF que he jugado online.
- Este es un KOF muy fácil, inputs son simplificados, la velocidad del juego no es tan rápida para no saber qué está pasando, Shatter strike está superbalanceado.
- DJ station debería volverse obligatorio para cada KOF en adelante.
- los Mods de GAMEBANANA de la comunidad de KOF XV son Superbuenos y Creativos.
- No hay personajes exageradamente rotos o débiles que no se pueden hacer nada.

Las negativas las tengo con el singleplayer o contenido OFFLINE:
- La historia solo hay 5 equipos que sí tuvieron algo en la historia principal de KOF XV y Los demás equipos si tenían alguna Continuación de KOF XIV era mínima. Que es una decepción porque siento que KOF XIV sí logro establecer la nueva saga muy bien. EN KOF XV no sale ni el Host del torneo.
- No hay time attack, Survival.
- Boss challenge está buena la idea, pero se siente vacío comparado con anteriores KOF (especialmente KOF XI y los Um's).
- Desbloqueando Dj station fue tedioso, pero la recompensa fue buena.
- DJ Station solo para menu, online y versus. Pero no para Story mode o Boss challenge.
- El tutorial sigue siendo corto y no te prepara para él online (a menos que solo uses auto combos) comparados con otros juegos de pelea que tienen tutoriales desde un nivel supernovato hasta un nivel intermedio o avanzado.
-No hay muchos trajes para los personajes, los hacen ver más vacíos comparados con los personajes que sí reciben trajes.
Con todo esto recomiendo este juego igual por él online y la jugabilidad.

JIN KAZAMA is excellent. Also the story and music is really good

This game was my first introduction to DOA and its lore.

I bought so many custom DLC's, I'm down bad for the characters.....
ANYWAY, the gameplay is actually fun to learn and play. Great game, it's a shame it doesn't have good online. Tag team in this game is so good.

This game got some things better than DOA 5, is much more easy and more fair than DOA 5. But customs got downgrade to grinding coins. The roster is bad imo. I don't know if I want to go back to play and learn, or even play it online. The story was worse than DOA 5.

a fine game, no more than that

This game is criminal because it shouldn't be this fun to play. OBSIDIAN making another great RPG, what a surprise. Super weird, they didn't make the sequel. Super easy in this game to get overpowered. It might have needed some extra balancing to the difficulty.

Need to do the 5 years achievement legit.

I did beat the vn with all endings, I don't find it a good game today. In fact, I hate it, I never want to see it again in my life. Fuck this game. BUT WAIT, THE SOUNDTRACK IS THE ONLY THAT'S MAKES ME WANT TO REMEMBER THIS GAME.

I did the 7th nights and everything except 20/20/20/20

Fun game (TOY CHICA without the beak is something so abstract that my mind doesn't understand how to process), I really like this is the starting point where Scott got super creative with story and gameplay, he just never stopped.
For an Indie creator, he went super saiyan.

I did everything in this game, but I cannot deny it is the weakest in the franchise storywise. Gameplay is something still creative, it's fine