so like the gameplay is probably a 5 or 6/10 but the style and presentation have this immaculate amount of charm and style that outclasses even other squaresoft games at the time (minus racing lagoon). i love the over-the-top action and the goddamn loading screens with their gradients and insane lore dumps viewable in at most 10 seconds. there’s a lot more depth here as shown by the fuckin entire ass art and lore book they made for the game. still waiting for that to get translated. even then this stuff isn’t what carries the whole game for me, the gameplay is pretty solid. yeah it’s bs when your teammate steals you kill and shit but i just have a good time with its ragdoll-juggling pressure-sensitive-button-pressing action. this is like THE squaresoft game for me with how it conveys its ideas through its artstyle, 2000s nomura ass characters, and bangin eguchi tunes. this is a squaresoft game to the end.

Reviewed on Feb 05, 2022


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