one of the most royal fuck ups in gaming history. arguably the most influential action game of all time followed up with arguably the worst action game of all time. maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration but you get my point. not sure who the fuck’s idea it was to get a completely new set of inexperienced developers for this one. we still don’t know who the hell was directing this shit at the beginning. for all we know the developers were just fucking around with no real aim until itsuno came around and salvaged what he could during the remaining 4 months of development.

“Dante is back! Prepare for the next, stylish chapter of Capcom's ultimate action thriller, Devil May Cry! Dante, the mysterious half-man, half-demon action hero is back to battle the legions of the underworld. Sporting trash-talking attitude and rock star good looks, Dante launches into a new adventure with twice the environments, twice the graphic sizzle and twice the gameplay of the original!”
shut the fuck up. where the fuck is dante’s trash talking attitude. man has 30 seconds of dialogue in the whole game. where the fuck are twice the environments. every area is a barren wasteland that doesn't distinguish themselves from each other at all. twice the gameplay? dante literally has all of his extra moves stripped from him except stinger. twice the button mashing more like. love the helicopter boss bros. such a W. fuck you capcom. im never going to even glance at a helicopter after this. twice the graphic sizzle? every area looks the fucking same and lame as fuck. basic ass highway. basic ass town. nothing interesting.

when does this game take place? i dont even think we know at this point. it could be after 1 but it could also be after 4. dante could’ve gone into a depressive episode between 4 and 5 i guess. can we just erase this game from the world it would be cool i think. this game definitely made not just devils but humans cry as well. what a disgrace. devils probably die too after playing this shit. fuck this game.

At least the soundtrack is boss.

Reviewed on Mar 08, 2022


don’t care enough to edit the review because this game blows which is also why i don’t care enough to do lucia’s story. fuck. that. shit. i’ll flip a coin right into her fuckin skull and kill her.
“Your luck continues granny…..” KYS DANTE

2 years ago

Lemme be honest, who could blame you
There ARE more combos, y’know. It’s just preformed differently and worse than DMC1. Ya gotta move the stick in certain directions mid-combo and stuff.
meant like the old moves moves from dmc1. gone.

@Mur96 true
I was going to be the KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENG of this whuuuuurld

Now do Lucia’s campaign like I did :trl:

2 years ago

dmm2 is king baoyhnuetta 2 is bad this is RELA suqel I paly this game mroe it good I HATE ths reviwe dlikek the game dante is good th and he guses guns jsut like me giev this fvie stars ori lll do gun combo drom dmc2 n you idiet

2 years ago

Joshua do not plae Dee em cee tree it is da worst garm
The timeline was actually explained. An artbook went by "Devil May Cry: 3-1-4-2", explaining the timeline.
IDK if this is canon by DMC5 tho, as the book came out before it.
i’m pretty sure dmc5 retcons that idk