Beautiful game visually and mechanically. Two player is also lovely I've been playing both single and doubles and both are rewarding. Impressed by how well this roguelike does two player.

Also impressed by all the different dialogue depending on what player character you choose.

Been playing this so much alone and with the spouse and it's become a staple for me so quickly.

Really good but having some crashing (wip)

Beautiful game to get lost in for hours but I hated how long the loading screens were they really killed a lot of momentum for me

Reminds me (fondly) of newgrounds games (not derogatory)

It seems very much like it's trying to imitate a certain style of browser game which makes me wonder if the jank UI and typos are on purpose. But then I think maybe I'm thinking too much about the panty collecting game.

It certainly is an eclectic collection of games of all kinds. Everything about this is visually interesting down to the menus. Certainly unique. I love the (lack of a better description "game jam") vibe very much but Id get why someone wouldn't love this collection.

Absolute blast of a shmup and i love the art

Was trying to give it a fair shot but it's not for me. Haven't played the first one but this felt like to me a beefy early Facebook game (like build buildings, upgrade, time management) except for the real time aspect of those where they wanted you to spend money on the micro transactions. I could see this being for someone I just think I'm looking for a different kind of gaming experience when it comes to the concept of running a hero/magic school

this game is so funny. It's like the opposite of a dating sim where you're skateboarding and battling your thirsty exes. Talking to them is a turn based battle. There's a dog that does kick flips and daps u up. You battle your 3rd grade ex boyfriend who wears Italian leather shoes to a diner minutes after getting off a bus home (cause u broke up with your ex and went home without telling anyone you were coming). Everyone is kinda gay. Ive never seen anything like it. You've got mad issues with all your relationships. Your inner monologue is a mean version of your sister. Your aunt bench presses with the bench press. You do flips while washing you hands, cooking, and taking your jacket off. Never seen anything like this and I'm entertained as hell.

I adore the plot and I can't help but be reminded of of Scott Pilgrim (because your exes coordinate, this is not a side scrolling the beat em up). There's also the underlying trying to do better or make amends with your family and sister who all warned you about certain choices you've made which sometimes hit too close to home for me.

I enjoyed the skateboarding in the game and I enjoyed the "combo ender" that lets you do a quick time event to finish out your combo and gives you a bunch of points. I was impressed by how much was interactive with my skateboard as I honestly wasn't expecting so much going into the game. I like that the combo for skateboarding decreases with time if you aren't tricking, every other game with skateboarding I've played you just kinda wipe out and your combo ends (im sure there is one out there thar also does it like the way this game does it, i haven't personally played that tho if true) I enjoy all the timing based mini games but if that's not your thing you can fiddle around in settings to complete them. I got unlockables by completing the ones downtown. I also enjoy the skateboarding game in your aunt's shop I'm hoping to beat the high score on there but I've been focusing on combing skateboarding on the street in the game rather than the video game in the game

Interestingly, I was expecting this to not run very well on the switch as a lot of indie games that release that look cool and run well on every other platforms chug on the switch. As far as I could tell I had no issues.

This game is really fun to me and doesn't seem to be terribly long so I'm taking the stop to smell the flowers approach and I've been having a great time. I've been battling more suitors/cubs than I have to and skateboarding more than what is challenged of me because I find it enjoyable and I keep wanting to show my spouse bits of the game when they are able to watch a minute or two. The family stuff hit close to home for me and the messy queer relationships remind me of my friends. If these don't enjoy these themes narratively you probably won't enjoy this game. But it's so goofy you still might enjoy clips of animations from the game.

This is a great time. The whole game is the narrator being like 'dont touch that till I tell you to' and then you do and the narrator looses his shit.

Can't tell if this is good or bad for indulging your pathological demand avoidance

Solid game for like a group of kids. Art is cute and impeccable. The mini games are really fun. It looks and feels impressive on the switch but it feels hallow. I've played short games or games with very little content and this is charming in an a perfect but hallow way.

That being said I think this is good but I'm not going to think about this game ever again. I also wouldn't discourage anyone from trying this cause I could see this being a pretty calming game for some people or good to have for kids. And I mean like young kids, I think if the kid is old enough to play fall guys they might not give this a second chance.

Honestly this game is charming to me a way I can't describe but I can totally get why this isn't people's thing because of the fart humor. It's also not very long.

This is a platformer and you chase a mermaid as a knight who just wants a chippy but scared away the mermaid cause but you farted and she ran away. Respawns are generous.

There was way more to it than I expected such as a day night cycle and secrets. Music is very megaman-y (I think, I've been wracking my brain what game the background music reminds me of) and I enjoyed the art for backgrounds.

This was a game I personally enjoyed but I don't think I would recommend to people.

Considering the writing style and voice it makes sense this came out in 2015.

This is a choose your own adventure where you can try to be Hamlet Ophelia or the king of Denmark. I believe this was a book before a game. The writing and art is done by a lot of popular webcomic authors.

This was not for me but I think there's def a type of person who would love this.

Solid game I think most people would like this to fiddle around and kill time. I don't mean this in a bad way I mean this in a good way, it reminds me over playing stuff on places like addictinggames as a kid.

Fun short game basically a puzzle where you combine two things (like two heros to make a party) to create a new thing and you keep combining those things to unlock new things

I didn't like sorting through the sections and tabs as I unlocked more things.