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1 hr ago

curse commented on curse's review of Ninja Gaiden II
yeah I remembered you reviewing both the ps2 shinobis and thought they'd be good to finally get around to. on 5B of shinobi right now and it's not what I expected at all (both coming from shinobi 3 and as a ps2 action game) but it's very cool. probably gaming's best scarf and a hell of a soundtrack. looking forward to nightshade for sure

2 hrs ago

curse finished Shinobi

6 hrs ago

curse followed deadlydonut

9 hrs ago

curse commented on curse's review of Ninja Gaiden II

tossing the link to the most recent version here in case anyone's interested

9 hrs ago

curse commented on curse's review of Ninja Gaiden II
I haven't tried NGS2 black yet but everything I've read/watched on it looks really great. much, much closer to the original version with lots of clever changes that mitigate/improve some of the more contentious bits in the original. hope to get around to it soon but in the meantime my impressions are very positive

9 hrs ago

11 hrs ago

curse commented on Weatherby's review of Lords of the Fallen
I liked the surge once you get past the initial tonka bit and into the spooky system shock bit, but the second one's different enough / more well rounded to the point where I think it's possible even a surge hater could potentially enjoy it. if nothing else it's firmly in its own camp away from the more odious xeroxed clones for better or worse

12 hrs ago

curse commented on Weatherby's review of Lords of the Fallen
shouldve went with the surge 2. rookie mistake

12 hrs ago

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