6 reviews liked by Joy_Volume

Don’t piss off a 5’11 guy unless you want something like this to happen

why did the president grab raiden's bussy i'm still hung up on that

That was SOLID.

Sorry. But really, the original MGS did not disappoint. It's an extremely impressive game with a strong character, great setting and a gripping, although a bit overwritten story. Great voice acting and music, fantastic atmosphere, solid gameplay. It is a hard game and I am a bad player, so it did frustrate me at times and took me much longer than it should have to complete, but that made it all the more satisfying when I did succeed. It doesn't really live up to the "tactical espionage action" title. It's more of a boss rush with some stealth sections in between. But the bosses are decent fun, each is pretty unique... great stuff.

This is my kind of movie game.

I always avoided the MGS franchise and thought it was overrated, but playing this for the first time in 2024 made me realize how dumb I was. It’s such an incredible game even with today’s standards. I’m now in love with the series.

"Human beings can choose the kind of life that they want to live. What's important is that you choose life... and then live."
Kojima só sabe lançar pedrada puta que pariu



Crazy to think one of the most important and influential horror games of all time was just a demo.