Firewatch 2016

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

September 3, 2023

First played

August 30, 2023

Platforms Played


Playtime: 4 hours
Score: 6/10

Always wanted to play this one and it's currently on Gamepass so I finally played it and it was a little disappointing to be honest. I liked the main characters of Henry and Deliah as there chemistry felt very believable and the voice acting was top notch. The story sets up a weird mystery which had me intrigued as to what was going on. The reveal though just felt really underwhelming to me. It made sense in the context of the story, but I was expecting something a lot more interesting.

Gameplay wise, its a walking sim with some light immersive sim elements. It played fine but I found navigating the map to be a bit annoying at times. The game is also really beautiul in terms of its lighting and enviroments.

Overall, if your interested in this game then I'd say play this on Gamepass. I couldn't really recommend buying it since its so short, and it will depend on whether you like the twist or not. I didn't.

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