3 reviews liked by Junito_Anatomia

Wild Arms ended with a bang but not flawlessly. The gameplay is pretty creative, one of the most creative I've saw on a SRPG, XF have a good integration with elements from the series and the OST was pretty good too (as the rest of the series). The plot though is a bit uninteresting and the pace of the game suffers a lot because of it, should be way more shorter. The game also doesn't know when to put a character to rest. Visually could be better too, at least it's better than WA4.

Trails in the Sky FC and SC were a great experience and a breath of fresh air when getting deeper into RPG’s this year, as even from my past experiences with Xenoblade and such Trails in the sky was an experience that had caught me captivated with it’s enthralling whimsical presentation within the first game which carries over to the 2nd game in the series. Many elements like the before mentioned aspects are some very considerable traits of the

Anyways hope you enjoy the review!

Trails in the Sky Fc had really shined through it’s presentation and Music ( Sophisticated Fight etc) really allow the player to resonate within the perspective of Estelle’s excitement of her first adventure as a junior bracer to explore to continent of country of liberal as it’s currently in the age of Orbal revolution which can be easily seen during visit to the state of Zeiss where it’s the main city state of orbal technology creation in liberl. Creations such as Airships and orbal cars ( seen later in Zero/Azure ) are employed throughout the land, and as the game’s progress we see newer technologies created. The ever evolving world from FC to azure is incredible as the player is shoved in an ever evolving world as we are shown to new technologies being introduced to us during the player’s adventure in Liberl. FC really helps the player get immersed into the world of trails through the inexperienced eyes of Estelle as she is constantly exposed to new experiences throughout the land of Liberl. The game is great at setting up the second half of the story within SC as we are constantly drip fed mysteries concerning Joshua's past which leads greatly into the main conflict of SC. The moments where the relationship of Estelle and joshua is focused upon is amazingly done and grown quite naturally throughout the course of the story, where they usually are developed over short seemingly insignificant moments where they end up bonding throughout the story, help develop the greatly established dynamic of Joshua and Estelle so greatly over the course of the game.

The greatest thing ever made. All hail Yoshimune Kouki!