Square root of 906.01. "It all seemed to harmless"

Thorgast felt like Covid. A true pandemc game.

Has the best art design and narrative among all expansions

Got the Cutting Edge Lei-Shen :)

Best epansion for WoW! Achieved good amount of server first kills and obtained unique titles including Malygos, Obsidian Sanctum and Naxxramas. Good Old Days

12.336≈ hours played and counting, 214≈ days played on alts, 300≈ days played on Warlock that i sold. My best game of all time.

Amazing game when on comm and cooperating with teammates. A bit much grind and repetitive missions but still can be experienced differently with various strategy and difficulty. Friendly Fire is real deal here so you might want to be aware :)) Completed all difficulties (inc. HellDiver) in under 30 hours but still eager to play with friends/online people, if you're into games like destiny i would defo recommend it, worth the money!

"Bunny Dangos are taste of heaven!"

I loved the musics of this game more than game itself. Monster Hunter gibberish language should be legit one!

Creativeness overloaded! beat missions are my favourite so much fun!

Make us Whole again! Beaten the game on hard difficulty in 15 hours including all side missions, an amazing captive experience that was! I was late to the party for 1 year but worth the gameplay!

I dont have 3DS anymore, but i still have this game, for displays.

The finale of Kiryu Kazuma, thanks for all the memories dragon of dojima, I don't usually get emotional but couldn't help myself but crying at final scene.

We play this at office on LAN everyday, super tense and fun

This is the first Ryo Ga Gotaku game i've ever abandoned after 10 hours, the gameplay is clunky, couldnt really get into it. I'm going to watch playthourgh videos to complete the story.