A game I've actually been wanting to try out for years but never got around it
It's actually pretty fun but it's too simple, I actually expected the puzzles to get harder by the end but no

I'll play through all the routes and give my opinion on each one but I really don't care about anyone that isn't Shirabe (which was my first route)
So (spoiler warning ig)

My one and true love, I loved him since the start and gave him all my points and affection
Honestly was salty they made him a single dad since it hits home (don't ask) too hard
But after all I found I should've done him last because his route pretty much has the whole game's content, I can't honestly believe the other routes are more complete than this one

I wish I could say I like Vesperia but it's just mid tbh
DE would be better if I didn't play the original because the whiplash of having Patty and Flynn shoehorned in everything gets kind of annoying after a while

Pretty fun but I found it shallow

Actually pretty good as someone who doesn't like the US

Fucking peak fiction grahhhhhh I literally was so happy with this before that last tip that ended me

I love the waterpaint from DX, but pixel art and walkable Friend Areas remain undefeated
I replayed this wanting to try my hand at the post game, let's see how that goes

I had really high expectations of this one and it didn't disappoint, Erica is absolute kino and my only real distaste is that the ending was rushed as fuck, it could've used a slice of life chapter like 1's after the fighting ended
But I really got to love Paris Kagekidan

I just finished until the Johto League because I fucking hate Kanto but well, it's a good game, I've been wanting to play it for a long time actually
Gen 4 my beloved

Easily RGG Studios' magnum opus this game is literally perfect
The best game to be a Yakuza fan

Pretty fun VN, went for Chizuru on my first run and I plan on doing all the girls just for fun so I'll put my impressions when I finish all of them, I still found this pretty nice and it being the embodiment of 2000's anime with tropes and artstyle and even story felt right at home with me

Abyss fiction that's only carried by Tsuruno, Hanawa and Akame 4 chapters and then the ending hits the feels like a truck which was the only good part of the game, I hate the Dragon Engine and I didn't use the gadgets at all, I only did the Kaito substory because I don't care about the game enough, the only minigame I did was play Hanafuda/Koi Koi and even that was more enjoyable than trying to get through this game
Also please stop the Pocket Circuit pandering
Definitely a game they did in 6 months


Also finished the demo a day after, peakest of fictions, GOTY

I only finished Chapter 10 but damn I've been dragging this too much to do the actual post game
I loved the game but I still prefer 2's combat system and specially the Dream Model fucking sucks, I don't really like the pistol thing and it was miles less hype-y than Zeroshiki
The feature-creep was awful but I enjoyed it much more than 2's where I was burnt out after 20 hours but I raked 70 here
I audibly screamed when I went 5 chapters without Key Quests and then after the protagonists join they reintroduced them again
I was disappointed they shafted Katie even though she was there and was even a Yokai but even though they would've been written exactly the same, I would've liked her better than Nate in her relationships with Mack and Inaho, I think it just fits better
And well, obviously my eternal fight with the series is that it never should have been localized because it loses its cultural roots so I played Sukiyaki instead of the international release

I'd like to play 4 but it kinda saddens me they Dexited in Yokai Watch after the beautiful plethora of Yokai 3 has but well

Abyss fiction for the first 10 hours but peak fiction on the last 20
Also tailing and lockpicking suck, the drone was underutilized and the lipsync is annoying to look at

Mario fans coping so hard they gas up a fucking elephant for it to become the game's worst power up

I will refrain from giving the full review until I actually finish it since I'm burned out from Trails and I don't have the energy to spend another 60 hours on the post-game, so yeah, no rush, but I really liked the game either way