233 reviews liked by KalemWoof

To One with Life, I'm sad to say goodbye but I'm grateful I got to see you in your final moments. The experience I had playing this game everyday in the last 4 weeks before the online servers shut down will always be one of the best experiences I've ever got from any video game.

My first Monster Hunter game ever. I didn't really appreciate you until close to the end. And in the end, you became the best in my eyes.

A man struggles with acquiring his illness meds due to his country's failing healthcare system and goes on a journey to kill his sleep paralysis demon.

A quick game but as expected for a monster Mash brawler. The combat and gameplay actually flows well it feels refreshing and unique the music is really good to surprisingly that caught me off guard at how entertaining it is. Not a whole lot to say about this it's fun and I can't wait to get the Godzilla dlc but yeah overall a good game

A throwback to brawlers like War of the Monsters and the Godzilla games of the PS2/Gamecube era. Just a total blast, so fun to play something this well put together. It plays better than what inspires it, even. The single player is short and sweet, only took me about an hour and a half or so. I think some might see that as a detriment considering it's roughly $25 at this time, but it has a robust multiplayer. After all, it's a brawler! My only real gripes are that unfortunately it's not very alive online. It would make for a killer couch game though.

That one bit in Brooklyn Nine-Nine where Diaz talks about what she'd do if anything ever happened to Arlo the puppy - that's me with Gigaman!

Grabbed this with the DLC in the Steam sale and am pleasantly surprised by it. It's obvious that this was made by people who really love the old Godzilla PS2 games and love giant monster stuff in general (and Power Stone. They love Power Stone). It's not going to be winning any awards for technical depth, but Falcon Punching a kaiju into the nearest skyscraper and then meeting them on the rebound for seconds feels good and that's what's important. Lamping a giant robot with a radio tower should look and feel satisfying, and it does!
The original characters are all pretty fun and have a ton of personality. Gigaman and Pipijuras are my good friends! The DLC characters are all excellent - it's probably in their implementation that the team's commitment really shines through. I played a little bit of Ultraman and couldn't stop smiling at pretty much everything he does. Godzilla's dash attack is the Godzilla vs Megalon dropkick. Gigan is here and does stuff!! Gigan!!!
About the only complaint I have about it is that the amount of content is pretty thin even with the DLC (although the number of arenas is actually pretty good) - a very short story mode and then a handful of other modes like arcade, survival, etc. Not really too big of a deal, though - the game is clearly meant for playing a few matches with your mates. Get on it. Pipijuras vs Alien Baltan only, go!

Did I mention the music's good, by the way? The music's good.

If you are sad that bloober team is going to stomp on everything that Silent Hill 2 is all about with their eventual dogshit remake than don't worry because the best silent hill game made since 3 is right here! Enjoy this game while you can before people try and tell you it’s overrated or nothing but annoying people talk about it and get you mad

After losing my save when the game came out and putting off replaying back to where i was 2 years later i am happy i finally did it. I knew i would love it, i knew it would be amazing and still it blew me away.

This would be a perfect game if it had more boards and the ability to make CPU Only games

finally some good fucking mario party

I even won but it made my gf sad and tired automatically making it one of the worst games of all time

Genuinely one of if not the most frustrating action game i have ever played. I will just say now that i am fucking ass at this game so take what i am gonna say with a massive chunk of salt. But, this game is just filled with shit that feels like its designed to piss you off while having both not enough tools to feel like you can deal with the easily or the guidance to teach a struggling player if the tools are actually there. Sorry man i can't recreate evo moment 37 while fighting 100 enemies on a 2d plain so they all stack on top of each other so its not easy to see incoming attacks while an off screen sniper is shooting at me creating a massive blinking red reticle which obscures more of the immediate enemies i am fighting. Only to then introduce enemies with super armor.

This game feels like it has an incomplete movelist and certain moves and movement are weirdly stiff and don't flow into each other. Ex: Up+Y. Jumping feels like ass in this game and there are tons of situations where enemies are falling in the air but i can't catch them to juggle for some reason and the game has no made a clear distinction why. Sorry i am too stupid to break down the finer intricacies of the game and its mechanics and its too niche to have other people explain it because the game does a terrible job at this itself.

Incredible art direction that is truly inspired but i wish it was tied to a game that i found more fun to play

Will try again when they inevitably make more patches to tone down some of the shit that is a massive turn off.