Overall, Limbo was a really good game. I'm not the biggest fan of puzzle games, but I enjoyed it. The game has a geat atmosphere, and the puzzles are simple but thought-provoking.

I really didn't think I'd like this game because of how old it is, but damn was it a fun experience. The gameplay is solid, the story is interesting, and the vibes were great.

The only two things I wish were better are the audio and the plot.Playing this on the Xbox One, the audio for dialogue was always really hard to see. Like the music and audio for gameplay was fine, but the moment a cutscene started or two characters were talking ingame, I had to raise the audio on my TV just to hear what they were saying.

As far as the plot, characters would appear and I'd have no idea who they were or where they stood with Max. I think taking time to flesh out the plot just a lil so the characters were clear would have pushed this to a full four out of five for me.

I also, I just remembered, the prologue levels where you explore Max's trauma between major parts of the story are aesthetically interesting but frustrating from a gameplay perspective.

Splatoon 3's story mode is a lot of fun. Each of the missions are short and different enough that nothing has a chance to grow stale.

The only things that really stopped me from giving this 5 stars are the rail levels and the final boss. Both are just layers of BS.

The only downside to this game is that my thumbs started hurting in the more complex boss fights.

The game is a lot of fun

It's a good game, just not as fleshed out as it could be. The combat feels floaty and isn't that fun. The cult building is cool but feels hollow as you get deeper into the game.

One of the best games I've ever played.