The only downside to this game is that my thumbs started hurting in the more complex boss fights.

The game is a lot of fun

Okay, the game is great. Like, everything is improved upon over the previous games. Combat is better. Swinging around the city is better. Side activities are better.

The only slightly disappointing thing was the story. Overall, the plot is good, but it feels like there were so many things they could have fleshed out more that they didn't.
Like, when Peter gets the symbiote, there are a few moments where they could have done more with his eventual dissent into madness.
Or Act 3 as a whole could have shown more of Venom.

The thing is, this game is good, really good, it's left me wanting for more of it, but there should have been more in the first place. So many plot threads could have been delved deeper.

One of the best games I've ever played.

I think there are some good things to this game. It makes sense how it basically kick-started open-world games. But good god is nothing in this game fun except driving. Driving is cool. I enjoy driving in this game. But the shooting is so god awful, I got to one mission and just decided I was done.

The problem is that this game wants to be a cover-based shooter before cover-based shooters were a thing. Like you take damage so rapidly that you'll just die and die and die, and there is no quick way to recover.

It just robs the game of any fun it could have had. If you had the ability to buy health recoveries, it might have been better, but as it is, dying happens way too quickly, and without any real checkpoint system, the game just feels outdated.

They could have made this better with the "Definitive Edition" but nah, this is a dated game that just hasn't aged well.

Honestly, this game plays and looks perfect on PS5. I still think my only real issue is the story. There are so many awesome moments, but the whole hope plot line and pandora's role feel meh.

Tyranny of King Washington does everything AC3 tried doing but just a bit better.

Honestly, this is one of the best games I've played recently. It's got a few flaws, but overall the tone, characters, and story just makes me so happy.

Honestly, it wasn't a bad game, just really disappointing.

God of War is the game that got me hooked on action-adventure games. It's an amazing beginning to a fantastic series; however, many of the design choices show their date.

Honestly, one of the best FPS I've played. The campaign is so much fun.

God of War 2 is still as great a game today as it was when I first played it. For a PS2 era game, the controls and combat all work perfectly well together. There are some really amazing boss battles in this game.

The one thing that kinda dips it for me now compared to when I first played it was just how many puzzles there were. As a kid I found them interesting, but now I was just meh about the puzzles.

But God of War II takes what God of War I did and improves on it in every possible way.

Overall, a good strategy game. I enjoyed it a lot. Some of the missions were frustrating, but overall I had a good time.

Zone of Enders #1 isn't bad. The gameplay is fun, but that's really the only positive I can say. It's fun to play.

The story is almost nonexistent.
The voice acting is pretty bad.
The mission structure is obtuse, and if it wasn't for me using a guide, I don't think I'd have been able to beat this game.

I'm excited to try the 2nd game because ZoE 1 is fun and just needs some improvements to make it good.

A nearly perfect action game. Bayo 2 takes what Bayo 1 did and made it better in every single way. Combat feels more fluid. There's less gimmick levels so you can really just enjoy the near perfect combat.

My only two issues were that I wish the story was a bit more fleshed out. Most of the characters could have used more screen time. My other main issue is that a lot of the boss battles, while fun, feel a bit gimmicky.