Barely a DLC. Run to an area to hear an audio clip, then hear from an old character over the radio so they didn't have to animate said character. Felt like they did this just to try and appease fans who were upset with their decision to retcon your choices in infamous 2.

The story was really nothing to write home about, but the online was quite fun. Even though it was a little too punishing for me to get into as a more casual player, the destructible environments combined with the insane things players were doing with vehicles really made it a fun time

My friend got me this as a joke. Joke's on him, I actually beat it. Joke's on me though, it was terrible.

One of my favorite gaming intros that I can think of. Just starts off with a bang and never lets up. I have some qualms with the story since they don't explain what happened to every character since the first one and expect you to read extracurricular media, but it's still such an enjoyable original superhero game.

unfortunately, the multiplayer was already on the decline by the time I got to it, these games move fast these days, but the single player was a mixed bag. It looked gorgeous, but it was incredibly short. Loved that they explored WWI though, not a lot of games doing that.

Listen. It's brutal. And a SLOG due to them dragging out the levels way too much, especially the final world (iykyk). I had to try some of the bosses multiple times and I was only on normal. Maybe I just suck at card games, but it felt like some of the aspects of the game were not explained very well at all.
That being said, I'm glad I played it to know what happened between 1 & 2, but I wouldn't blame anyone for just watching the cutscenes. The whole game was worth it though simply for namine's theme. One of the most beautiful pieces of music I've ever heard.

Even though it's really only an expansion to the "second son" game, it is honestly more enjoyable than the base game. I feel like the story is more interesting, and neon was already the most fun power, so being able to sonic run through the city was great. Not enough to salvage the whimper the series went out on though, unfortunately.

It's one of those that's rough to go back to now, and I got lost on a couple levels, but the lightsaber fighting still feels pretty good. I just wish I cared about Kyle a little more...

This game got fair criticism for not feeling totally complete, but the modding scene alone makes it revisiting even today. Want to fight in middle earth with LOTR factions? You can.

They hadn't nailed the web-swinging quite yet, so it feels a bit stiff. Also being relegated to only the rooftops was still in effect at this time, and it feels pretty weird going back to that. It's still fun though, and being able to unlock the green goblin was a great touch.

Improves on the original in many ways. The only thing I will say, is that the huns are incredibly difficult to defeat. If you know, you know.

I didn't think they could top the train sequence from 2, and maybe they didn't, but the plane sequence came very close. The ending is a bit sillier than the other games but I can't help it. I love these characters and games so much.

It's a platinum game, you're in an armored suit sliding around shooting mechs. If that doesn't sound fun, it's not for you. If it does sound fun, you'll probably get some enjoyment out of this.

The first spiderman game to really nail the web-slinging and it still feels great. The story is fun, and tons of classic characters show up. The only really annoying thing holding it back is that in order to rank up, you have to do side missions. And if you're doing side missions, you're doing a LOT of the same ones over and over.

I know this is the quintessential spider man game for most fans, but it fell a bit short for me. A bit repetitive in terms of fighting and missions, but the graphics and story are fun. I was a little disappointed because playing as venom felt pretty limited, but it's one of the few games that lets you play as him at all. The johnny storm races were excruciating though, and I couldn't bring myself to do them all.