I know this is the quintessential spider man game for most fans, but it fell a bit short for me. A bit repetitive in terms of fighting and missions, but the graphics and story are fun. I was a little disappointed because playing as venom felt pretty limited, but it's one of the few games that lets you play as him at all. The johnny storm races were excruciating though, and I couldn't bring myself to do them all.

The game that introduced me to the franchise. It was so incredibly fun as a kid even though it was super hard. Doesn't hold up as well these days, but was amazing for everything it did at the time, and playing huge battles online against your siblings was amazing.

It was clearly rushed, but the devs still did a good job bringing SOMETHING to the table. The story doesn't make a ton of sense, and the time travel stuff is pretty gimmicky, but from a time when FPS games were being churned out like live-action games are now, you could do a lot worse.

Sure it feels a bit dated now (that end level omg), but the storyline is intriguing, and bullet time still feels fun. It seriously never gets old.

There's nothing more fun than having blades come out of your arms. The RPG elements are also pretty satisfying and the story was solid and captivating right until the end. Unfortunately stealth also falls by the wayside and isn't really ever presented as a viable option. Still a great RPG you should definitely check out.

The train sequence blew my mind. It showed me how engaging single-player narrative and character driven games could be, and saved me from my crippling mw2 addiction.

Adds even more to an already fun game, and it has skaven. What's not to love?

I love warhammer, I love total war. I don't need much else. While magic can sometimes feel overpowered, and it doesn't feel quite as in-depth overall as past games, it is so much fun to see the tabletop figures come to life with such attention to detail.

Is it perfect? Absolutely not. Not even close. But it's weird and it's fun. Anything detective I'm sold, and anything poltergeist I'm sold. That being said, definitely wish they had worked a little harder on some mechanics because it got repetitive.

It's more max payne. More bullet time, better set pieces, deeper story. Wins all around.

I had higher hopes for this game I'm ngl. I heard it was a hidden gem so I grabbed it for cheap, and while I did generally enjoy it, some of the mechanics were pretty maddening. The story especially seemed incredibly paper thin to me, with a not very satisfying ending.

Is it a little bloated and trying to do a bit too much? Yeah. But what a way to send off the franchise. A great story, an epic conclusion, and even though the batmobile was divisive for some, I enjoyed it.

As someone who wasn't going to try and bring GTA into the house, this was an answered prayer to my teenage self. Incredibly fun game with an engaging story, good characters, and fun environmental melee. Never gets old shoving someone in an AC fan.

One of the great horror games I have played. Great jump scares that don't feel cheap, terrific atmosphere, and the nightvision recording is horrifying. No weapons either so this is the real deal experience. Even playing it with a dorm room full of college friends wasn't enough to not scare all of us.


This game is rough. I even got stuck when the spider mech got caught on some terrain and I had to restart that level. Performance is not ideal, but I stayed for the dinos. The end boss was honestly pretty fun, but I'm not surprised this essentially ended the franchise.