Basically as good as it gets. Tough but fair and full of secrets. Nothing touches this in terms of the improvisational options and unfailing responsiveness with regards to mobility. Can only imagine how earth-shattering this was at the time, now it's simply a perfectly proportioned playground.

Delightful and inventive and so much attention to detail and also awfully easy and linear. It's all a bit caught up in the grandeur of it all, which it mostly earns I suppose.

Fun to bounce around in and impressed by how it finds plenty of environmental variation while sustaining one specific vibe. Game is totally unfinished though, every accessory and feature seems to be barely integrated and the mission structure is too stringent. Good luck one hundred percenting this.

Every "Metroid" game ends with Samus sprinting out of an exploding facility so it's only fitting for the franchise that influenced Nintendo to replicate that feeling again and again. Perfectly captures the central give-and-take between the clanging industrial setting and perfect predatory instincts in the movie. What an incredibly scary game about how long it takes to turn levers and open doors, how tight the walls of corridors are so thrown objects ricochet again and again. Perhaps a little bloated on a mechanical and narrative level; I only needed about half the tools and characters don't make nearly as strong of an impression like the movies. But that's small potatoes because this nails that essential fear and never lets up. Never once got used to navigating around the Xenomorph and that's really an achievement. Incredible sound design too!