i liked prime 2 better but still good

The place where I go to play has this busted prime 2 that has basically no sound and a broken pad but the one time i actually got to play at another place it was pretty fun


Revolutionizes ynfg by playing like an actual game. I will never forget this.

you only play this to get access to power armor early

I love killing everything not made in god's image

the added story and quests are ass you only get this to increase level cap and to keep playing after finishing the story ignore all else

You arrive at an island uninvited and start genociding the locals thats kinda fucked up

Its very linear and scripted but out of all content in fallout 3 this is probably the most interesting one

Very pretty and solemn sightseeing walking sim. Everything else is kinda mid

Bigger and better fallout 1. I think the writing is kinda soy compared to the first one but what can you do.

I'm surprised at how short it is and what little you can do once you already know what to do and see but it's a good game

i think this is the strongest dlc out of the 4 but the focus on cars is meh

this is probably cool for a nerd that cares about the borderlands story and lore and stuff

enemies dont give exp so worthless for grinding

the new enemy variety is cool but the zombies get old quick even for a relatively short dlc