i dont wanna go through this again (goes through it again)

the added story and quests are ass you only get this to increase level cap and to keep playing after finishing the story ignore all else


I'm surprised at how short it is and what little you can do once you already know what to do and see but it's a good game

first time this series actually does have some type of identity that isnt ripping off tabletop rpgs. I want to marry the job system

I love killing everything not made in god's image

Hijacked byt tubmler sjw feministe..
but the game is really goode..
it made me gay and trans....

i wanted to hate this cuz its popular and i ahte popular shit and yea its mildy overrated but fuck its goode its actually really goode

squall is my boyfriend and the love of my life and we are going to get married next year. the game is goode and has a great story about uhhh social isolation and trauma and reconnecting ok

only guilty gear i got into enough to play it multiplayer and learn it to get good thats because im a worthless hoe thats bad at videogames
i like the simplicity of this game, its balenciaga

You arrive at an island uninvited and start genociding the locals thats kinda fucked up

thje job system is gone. I understand why cecil stopped being a dark knight and became a paladin thematically but thats lame i want edgy protagonist not heteronormies who would work in an office irl like cecil. The rest of the game is alright i think