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2 days

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May 11, 2023

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April 30, 2023

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PC gamers had the excellent X-Wing/TIE-Fighter and Dark Forces games. SNES-kids had the totally fine Super Star Wars games. They were absolutely better than nothing (and definitely more enjoyable than earlier NES, Atari, and C64 SW-games). But still, it feels like the memory of playing these games is so much better than the actual time spent playing them.

What I'm trying to say (without stepping on too many toes, since the series regularly pops up on "best of"-lists) is that, yeah, they haven't aged all that great.

SSW: ROTJ is the most enjoyable of the bunch, for sure. Its "easy"-mode is an actual "easy"-mode which makes finishing the game doable. The controls hold up, the graphics are great, and the music is... well, you know what it is. "Imperial March", "March of The Ewoks", "Into the Trap" et cetera.

There are several unwelcome holdovers from previous games as well. Some you just have to chalk up as this being an almost 30-year-old game at this point. Yeah, pushbacks from damage were a thing back in the day. They were as annoying then, as they are now. Deal with it. And sure, several of the levels are way too long and mazelike and would have benefitted from a map screen.

But holy moly. Were enemies that take a million hits, and respawn instantly, really necessary? I know I said that clearing the game is doable, but good lord is it the wrong kind of frustrating at times. On the easiest setting, that is. I really can't see anyone doing it on the hardest without cheat codes. As with all things retro, I'm sure there's a try-hard just waiting to say "weeeeeell accccshhhhuuuaaaalllllyyyy...". Why would you, though?