Pointless remake that pretty much just a worst version of the original

In my opinion a visual downgrade with way less consistent art style, way more glitches, game made more "cinematic" by adding pointless cutscene that genuinely adds nothing to the game. A few puzzle having minor change... for the worse.

Just play the original

Played like a hour at a friend house, it was just not fun at all and the fatalities are shit compared to previous entry

Nice simple game. While obviously most of its idea are expanded and done better in Portal 2, it is nice to see where some of the inspiration came from and how the idea evolved. Only real annoying thing was that the camera felt so zoom in. But yeah its a nice concept.


It isn't terrible but the main gimmick of energy puzzle got extremely boring and repetitive real quicker... most of these puzzle were just mediocre. Also I know this was made in 2014 but god the glados voice actor... the dialogue in general was kinda just eeeh. This was just mid.


Good level design plague by a lot of usual mobile game gimmick, from long wait to basically pay to win stuff

I will say, if you can get the Donkey, it is easily the best Donkey in the franchise

This will forever be tainted as a Backyard Monster Ripoff for me

Still worth getting with how cheap the price is. But I'm not a fan of most new weapon or characters, and the new map, while cool conceptually, really just gets more in the way of the gameplay during the later half of the run.

I played this in co-op through nintendo switch online with like a second of imput delay... it was chaos...

Game is aight, NSO is shit
Need to replay in singleplayer one day

Really good new map, alright weapon and characters, cool progression

I will say this DLC does allow you to absolutely demolish any kind of balance in this game with money and golden eggs