It is a ok game that you play with friend, anything you play with friend is better but the actual game got old quick

Just not my style of Roguelikes, might try the remake


I have a addiction and nostalgia... even if many thing are questionably design, love the game so much

My entry to the Dark Souls franchise

While I loved the gameplay, I can't dent that this game as some very bad level design, enemy design and sometime boss design

Also fuck the Frozen Outskirt, worst area ever

Wasn't quite has good on a replay, I mainly think the Voltigore Nest part of the game is HORRIBLE, just that one map drags the game down. Now still one of the best expansion ever made

I'm a bit disappointed with this game, there is element I like about the game like the world and OST, but I haven't really been able to get into the combat and movement. May give it another chance one day

Finished Dead Space 3

I expected this to be bad, but I did not expect it to be THIS bad. I should point out I played it in Co-Op, and I'm glad I did because if I played it solo, I don't think I would of survive how bad this game truly is. Anyway, this is one of the worst sequel I've ever played. I'd even go as far to say that the drop off from Dead Space 2 to 3 is the biggest in all of gaming. This game is a absolute cringe train wreck of garbage that somehow takes many step backward.

The gameplay of this game is a major step down from the previous 2 games. The weapon customization while cool on paper is very poorly handle, it doesn't make the gun progression fun at all. Don't get me started on the crafting aspect or the fact this existed for microtransaction DLC gun. Kinesis is somehow the worst its even been, where you can't interact with almost anything. The enemy variety, apart from one cool new enemy variant, every enemy is just worse and much less scary, and they add a ton of human and zombie like enemy that are just boring. How do you go from the amazing and tactical gunplay of Dead Space 2 to this boring poorly done 3rd Person Cover Shooter. The inventory management is a joke with just how much healing and ammo they give you (even if I still burned through a lot of it because of how chaotic I sometime play), it is insane. We needed to switch the game to hard because of how much of a joke the amount of stuff it gave us was. At point we literally had to drop like 5 med pack to the ground. The level design of this game, absolutely boring, generic and repetitive. At some time it was so repeated I though I was playing Metroid for the NES, and than there is a ton of backtracking to the same repeated area and it becomes a elevator waiting simulator. Also, almost all the bosses were just copy pasted and hot garbage, purely annoying. The only part of this game that decently cool design is the final area in the last 3 chapters of the game, which were by far the best part of the game.

On a technical level, this game is somehow the worst looking game of the trilogy by a long shot. How? I don't know. We also go from Dead Space 2, a game with almost no cuts and being super immersive, to this game, which feels like just gives you a absurd nonsensical action set piece that makes you question what is even going on (and looks horrible and sometime comically bad). I genuinely think this game as some of the worst cutscene in gaming. Audio design in this game, is not good, especially coming from the previous 2 games which had some of the best out there. The audio in this game is messy and sometime straight up glitchy. And honestly it ain't just the audio... this game in general is a absolute glitchy mess. Again, the only part of this game that looks good and as cool cutscene, is the last 3 chapters of the game.

The story, absolute train wreck as well. The plot for the most part is comically bad and stupid. They absolutely butchered Isaac and Ellies character to the point they feel like new characters. The new antagonist are so generic and predictable, it is insane. The only new good character is the Co-Op Partner character Carver, who is honestly quite cool, even if a lot of his character is lock behind side missions. The only part of this game with remotely interesting plot and character moment... are the last 3 chapters of the game, but in this case, even those are excused from dumb out of character moment and convenient plot point.

Overall this game is a top to bottom train wreck of a sequel that is somewhat "saved" slightly by the last 3 chapters. This game ruined what could of been one of the greatest video game trilogy of all time. I hope they remake this game but actually good (like style of the last 3 chapters). I will probably play the DLC, to get the true ending, if I get it on sale one day, but I never want to play this cringe dumpster fire that is the base game ever again.


NEED VALVE TO LEARN HOW TO COUNT TO 3 NOW, NOT JUST FOR HALF LIFE 3 BUT FOR EPISODE 3. Anyway. This episode was great. While it didn't have many new mechanics and idea beyond some new enemies, the encounter design in this expansion felt a bit more open, especially with the final battle. The new enemies were great as well and really added a mix up, those hunters man. The writing was again great, a lot of plot development... which we might never see the end because Valve cannot count to 3. Alyx and Eli were fantastic, so were the vortagon. Gman also continue to be one of the most fascinating and terrifying character in the medium, delivering one of my favorite cutscene in the medium. Man it just feels weird being done with Half Life (until I can get my hand on a VR headset... in a few years hopefully). I can safely say that Half-Life + Portal (since they are in the same universe) is a contender for my favorite video game franchise.

But yeah, Episode 2 was great and man that ending I'll never forgive Valve. 9/10

This game, ever 5 years later, is still the biggest insult to this franchise. 5 years and some of the bugs still make it near unplayable at a higher level. Physics is the worst since Trials 2. This game simply killed the barely living franchise, and soon if Fusion servers closes, probably will be the only way to play this franchise, when I feel most good ninja creator just went back to Fusion

A game I want to love but simply can't, even if I have almost 300 hours in it

As a massive fan of the trials franchise, this game was my biggest disappointment in gaming

Even after almost 2 year of being out, still a buggy mess, with lag spike cursing the game.

Worst part is the gameplay being the worst it has ever been, front wheel as no suspension, engine is big and heavy, the throttle is super busted but inconsistent with the magnetic wheel and so much more basically killing the ninja aspect of the game

I was never the biggest speedrunner, but the speedrunning was kinda fun, with addition like diamond medal and bike leaderboard. But Speedrunning was kinda killed for me with them adding DLC with Acorn, which I spent the one earn in game way before they even announce track pack and bike

A few good thing I like about the game. The tutorial are the best they've ever been with FatShady doing them. The customization is fantastic and it alway hurts not having my super customized rider when going back to older game.

Do I recommend this game, hard to say, it might be a good entry point for beginner with the good tutorial, but even than most would drop it because of the endless contract grind, but has a more veteran player who've gone more in depth with some mechanic I simply can't like it

The best platformer in my opinion. Phenominal level design, movement system, OST, story

Love everything about it

I'll give it a try the day I can get it working

The start of a new era for Trials Game, surprisingly, this game as the most creativity of all the trials game, and as a unique charm, from the helmet mechanic to the unique level design, defo the most fun I had playing the developer made level

The skill game on the other hand were a hard miss

The game also has a simple editor and no real track central, but I won't duck point for not having as advance feature as it sucxessor that improved on it

Honestly beyond its interesting initial idea (which I've seen done better before), this mod is pretty bad. The main mechanics of having a past self is pretty janky and doesn't work half the time. Some of the mechanics in the puzzle are badly introduce as well. And the worst part is... for a puzzle game... the puzzle are pretty bad. All the solution were pretty easy (beyond badly introduced mechanics), but some of the execution were so boring, tedious, annoying and dragged out (and the main mechanics not working half the time doesn't help), that I straight up used no clip to skip like 3 puzzle. Now I honestly just want to replay Braid... a game with good time travel mechanics and puzzle.


Finished replaying Super Mario Bros 3 after many years of last having played it.

This game is pretty much has good as I remember as a kid. The control feels super smooth and the level design is fun for the most part. There's a few bad level here and there, and the water physic aren't that good without the frog suit... and there's a few too many autoscroller. But overall the level design is still really fun. Game is super charming visually, one of if not the best looking NES games, game aged like fine wine. OST is also pretty good.

I do have some nostalgia but this game is still a 9.5/10 for me