The fact that this is a 2.8 on this site is a crime

This game still absolutely slap, easily the best Red Dead Game

I got to phase 95... that fire ball is just way though tights and my brain just can't anymore. These type of game were obviously not meant to be finish and this game push its strict limit way beyond that my brain is too dead for the last 5 levels

I tried... I really did... but this is just too bad

Super Mario Bros 1 and Lost Level are superior in this version for me

Super Mario Bros 2 USA and 3 are slightly visually inferior


I can say Abzu is a relaxing experience but sadly I cannot say much more to it. The visuals and music are beautiful, obviously, but unlike a game like Journey I think a lot of the section of this game fail to leave much of a mark, a lot of the area feels pretty repetitive, with similar puzzle and look. I also think, unlike journey, that the story telling, while not bad, lacks a emotional connection beyond being a relaxing experience. Like I don't regret going through this like 2 hours long relaxation but it won't stick with me much personally.


I am... honestly super disappointed by this DLC... yeah I had fun because base game GTA 4 is fun... but this DLC... didn't add much interesting for me. I was not invested into the story or character at all, Johnny probably being the worst Rockstar protagonist I've played has. While the mission design receive some slight improvement from the base game... it is still really bad in my opinion... being pretty boring, annoying or tedious... just not fun... it had like 1 fun mission out of 22. The side stuff new side stuff was kinda mediocre. Like this DLC isn't bad but I expected more then mediocrity...


Even if I much prefer the sequel this game is still fantastic, honestly even had more fun on replay. The movement is great and making your way through stuff still feels fantastic. The combat... even if it is the weak point of the game, I've come to appreciate it more. While the main flame attack (and charge flame) feels mediocre to use, the ground pound and bash really had some fun variety to the combat, sometime using the environment or enemy for combat. The game is still visually beautiful even if it didn't have the budget and team of the sequel. OST is great. Another thing is that I played the original version, not the definitive, and it honestly made me appreciate even more the way the world is constructed due to the original not having fast travel, backtracking with new ability feels amazing. Story, while I didn't pay as much attention on replay (since I remember it) is still very a very touching even if simple story. Anyway this game still slaps.


Was a great game

And than the ending happen

First 4 episodes are like a 8
Last episode is like a 3 bringing it down to like a 5

Best DLC so far. Great weapons, cool characters, Really hood map

It should be illegal for any demo to be this good... like if you gave me this and I didn't know Half Life I'd be like WTF WHERE CAN I BUY THE FULL GAME

This game makes my toxic side come out lmao

The game no one wanted, not Far Cry Blood Dragon fan, nor Trials fan

It fails at being a good trials game, with level design that just feel not like a trials game

The OST is great and the extreme are decent I guess tho

I had to skip a few little segment because of how buggy they were