I got to phase 95... that fire ball is just way though tights and my brain just can't anymore. These type of game were obviously not meant to be finish and this game push its strict limit way beyond that my brain is too dead for the last 5 levels

The fact that this is a 2.8 on this site is a crime

My opinion on this game pretty much hasn't change since I first played it years ago. I still think this game is the closest to perfection a game as ever gotten and one of the greatest game ever made. Everything about this game is incredible. It is easily the most fun puzzle game I've ever played. The difficulty curve of the puzzle is perfect. The puzzle all feels innovative and unique. The writing in this game is also superb, the dialogue some of the best. Not joking when I say this game is probably the funniest game I've played, and one of the funniest thing I've experience. Yet with the comedy it still has incredibly written character with GLaDOS being my favorite video game character, and every other character being incredible. The world building is also really good. This game is also amazingly paced. This game also visually aged like fine wine, I still think it is one of the most visually impressive game ever made. OST and sound design is also equally amazing. This game is also extremely polish, I never really encountered many bugs worth noting. The Co-Op campaign is also extremely fun, keeping the comedy and having GLaDOS roast you and your friend. The puzzle in Co-Op also get much more complex which is really fun thinking with 2 people. And I mean Co-Op is always fun messing with each other, sometime having GLaDOS mock you for it. The only real minor issue I have with this game is that it has a LOT of loading screen in the single player, but this issue is not really there with the Co-Op campaign. This game for me is just the definition of a masterpiece.

Easy 10/10

I prefer Puyo Puyo and Tetris ngl

I think this is a interesting concept as a fan game which would be cool to see expanded upon. Now having Superhot Mechanics into a Hotline Miami setting does make the game extremely easy, and some level do drag but for what it was it was interesting. Hoping Shootout Inc evolve the formula, but I don't know when I'll play that. But yeah cool little fan game.


This feels like Castlevania 1 with worst level design, still a decent game. I swear those STAIRS. The companion system is cool... but the transition takes so long that I barely used it. Final boss was cool. This is just a less consistent Castlevania 1 pretty much.


Another Rockstar games done. My opinion on Rockstar's game is usually very similar. They usually have great world, really good story, good mechanics (except shooting which is always mediocre), extremely bad mission design and pacing issues. This game is no exception, for the most part. I think the game still has extremely bad mission design, mission design which is straight up not fun to play through for me, that constant through the entire game. But for the rest I enjoyed it for most of the game except chapter 2. Chapter 2 of this game is what really bring the game down for me. The pacing just dragged, the story and character during isn't interesting at all for the most part, that part of the open world is not very interesting. The rest of the game is really good, with interesting character, I love John a lot. The rest of the world is cool, there's a lot of cool stuff to do.

But yeah chapter 2 bring what would be a 8/10 like most other Rockstar's game to a 7.5/10 for me

Finished Anime Feet

The puzzle gameplay is fucking awful, the first gamemode feels extremely RNG and the second gamemode is extremely punishing with almost no time to react sometime (thanks god for menu pausing abuse)

The game is quite rough around the edge with a few thing clearly not working as intended (tho it did allow me to cheese the harder level which are a pain in the ass)

As for the selling point, the art/the feets... its kinda eeeeeh, a few decent picture but the art is not what I'd call good, I guess a few picture had cool pose, but still not good

Shit game, there's better feet elsewhere

One of the few Mainline Mario I had never played before, and I'll be honest... it is probably my least favorite mainline Mario. I think the picking up stuff part is just too slow. The level design... for the most part isn't terrible, but there's a few part I really hated, more than any other mario games. Like 6-2 as to be one of the most boring level I've ever played in a game, other level were just confusing to navigate and other were just paced so slowly. The bosses were fine, I like that they aren't the basic mario bosses but some were kinda annoying to fight or went for way too long. I know this is a reskin of Doki Doki Panic and it is something different... but I can't say I liked it overall.


I just "Finished" Half-Line Miami

This game had potential but sadly for the most part doesn't live up to it. This is basically a fan game of Half Life 2 in a Hotline Miami style. The problem is that the only way to attack is the gravity gun, so any enemy with guns will be hard to tackle. The physics of the item often will not work like you want to, or work against you which is really annoying. The difficulty in general is all over the place, this game feels too hard in some place in more of a frustrating way. The best level was Ravenholm, because that level fits perfect for the style this game is going for. That level was a ton of fun. But the biggest problem with this game and also the reason I said "finish" in quotation mark are the technical issue. There's a few level, mainly Nova Prospect, which I couldn't finish due to constant crashes. And that level being super hard doesn't help. So I literally had to delete some level files so I could access later level...

But overall, I like the idea, but the execution for it (except Ravenholm) leave to be desired.

Finished replaying Celeste

I was feeling sick today so I decided to play something calm and relaxing that I am used to, so I decided to launch Celeste, start a new files and 100% it, getting all the achievement and all. Kinda crazy that I can now 100% this game in around the same time it took me to beat the base story the first time I played (around 8 hours). This game is still the pinnacle of level design for me in a game, there's a few screen I don't like here and there (a lot of them being in 8B), but most of the screen are design to such a perfection it is insane. Madeline is a contender for the most fun character to play as (tied with Ori in Ori and the Will of the Wisps), the sheer depth in the movement is incredible and extremely satisfying. Art is amazing as well and the OST is a masterpiece in of itself. I just love this game to death... replaying it just ignited my love for it again.

Easy 11/10 for me, tied for my favorite game of all time

I played 9 hours of the Early Access on Xbox One and here is what I though (and this will probably be all over the place)

Well just before starting I would just like say quickly where I stand with the franchise. My introduction to it was Battlefield 1... and Battlefield 1 is still by far my favorite Battlefield. I loved it for the atmosphere and all. I did play a tiny bit of BF3 and did play a decent amount of BF4 afterward... I liked them but for me they lacks what I love about BF1, they felt like just another shooter, a really good one, but still just another shooter.

Now what they I think of Battlefield 2042

I think Battlefield 2042 is just another shooter... a unfinished one. This game lacks content everywhere... This needed a few more months... maybe even a year, in the oven. I won't get into all the thing that are missing. Plenty of people have done that already (but yeah, leaderboard, changing squad, server browsing, all missing". But this game also lacks... progression. In All out Warfare... there's only a few guns for each class. In Hazard Zone, it takes only a few games to be pretty much set. And Portal as no progression obviously everything is unlocked, tho there's a lacks of map imo. Anyway, imma try to go more in order with the game type now.

But first before game type... What is there before getting into a game. Menu. The Menu in this game are garbage. They are a confusing mess to get into and for some part of the game are just kinda stupid (like how in Portal the menu customization is still design around the + System and all that). The menu of this game are just ass.

All Out Warfare. Conquest is fun, Breakthrough felt like poor man Operation and was just ok. The map are good for the most part. The gun play is ok, I don't like the feel of AR and LMG in this mode, SMG and Sniper feels really good, Pistol is ok, and I haven't played enough with DMR and Shotgun to judge tho. The operator as a system is just bad. It kinda just fucks over the team aspect of the game. Classes were just so much better. As for the operator, I mainly used the one with the Wingsuit, fits my style, I just love moving around the map and ambushing people from behind or above, and travelling super fast. Overall All Out Warfare is decent, tho I do think it could die very fast if some of the missing feature and more guns aren't added.

Hazard Zone... I didn't play much. Personally not a fan of Battle Royale. Out of the 3 games I played, 2 of them were quite forgettable and the third one was extremely fun but ended with my game crashing. Its a fun gamemode on its own but prob won't be able to compete with other Battle Royale and also doesn't have much progression, it need some balancing. One thing I can say is that the Operator system work here, because each squad can only have 1 of each operator, which here can help teamwork, unlike in all out warfare. But yeah this mode probably won't survive long in the sea of Battle Royale on the market.

As for Portal... I haven't played many different thing because the server browsing is god awful, so I mainly stucked with the main 4 thing they promoted. The gun play in Portal feels amazing, way better than in All Out Warfare. Portal was just overall a fun experience but I do hope they add more content (map and gun and maybe style) because I think if they don't this game mode could just run out of great stuff. Heck add in a map creator or something. This gamemode as potential, but they need to add more.

Really that last line is this game in a nutshell... this game as a lot of potential but it isn't ready, it lacks content. This game will probably be very good in a year... but right now I cannot recommend this game unless you get it through a subscription like gamepass. I played for 9 hours and I already got bored of it

Overall in this current states the game is like a 5.5/10 in my opinion

Edit: A year later... played this game again... it hasn't improve and honestly 5.5 was being nice...

The writing is fun and the girls are hot

Honestly while this game aged quite a lot I still had a good time. I really like the atmosphere and the level design of the map in general. I also loved the fixed camera (for the most part) and the limited material (including saves), which did help for the tension. Now the gunplay not good but it doesn't matter much, it only annoyed me during one of the boss and with 1 enemy type... that is found at like 2 of the last room in the game. The story is alright I guess, but oh my god this game probably has the worst voice acting and dialogue I've ever heard and I love it, it is so bad it is good, it is literal comedy gold. Graphically is also has aged quite a bit but honestly I think the PS1 graphics still has its charm and it still is able to keep the atmosphere so I am fine with it. Overall fun game.
