Mi putisimo juego favorito es que todo es maravilloso sisisisisisisi

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Loved the humor, loved the gameplay, this was such a fun and rewarding experience, but the final boss seems just so... unfair. You have to defeat the main bosses once again, which is kinda nice because you've got a powerful revolver by default. But if you don't succeed to complete the final boss, you gotta do the boss rush once again. I'm not the best player, for sure, but since it's quite an accessible game, the devs could just create a respawn so you don't have to do all of the bosses all over again. Not completed, sorry. PS: La localización al español es maravillosa, me encantan los trabajos así

This game had definitely a few of the best experiences I've ever lived in a videogame. Night City has become probably my favourite environment in a videogame. Everything is so detailed at the point you can look wherever you want that it can work as a wallpaper. I love the combat, the animations are amazing, this game is awesome. I love it

It's awesome, it's probably the best Souls I've ever played.

But there are probably two major flaws with this game.

1. It's waaaay too big
2. The co-director is Yui Tanimura, the director of Dark Souls 2 and you can tell. The major core of the game feels quite fair, but some of the optional content (especially the catacombs) is literally there only to laugh at the player and it's so disrespectful.

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Loved the vibes, this is definitely a really interesting game, inspired by King's Field, Dark Souls and even Castlevania. Even though the first two hours are really slow, it quickly starts being more dynamic as long as you boost up your speed. (nice detail, I definitely recognised Alucard's voice) The combat is definitely lacking, I understand it's not the whole point of the game, but even so, I decided to level up dexterity, since I wanted to use ranged weapons, only to realize there are only about 5-6 ranged weapons in the entire game. It's something the game (obviously) does not tell you, but it can be a bit frustrating at first.

El arranque del juego es realmente bueno, creo que me gusta incluso más que el de new vegas. Pero, pero. Las primeras horas de juego conforme sales del refugio son horribles.

Intentas explorar mínimamente el mapa, incluso yendo a las zonas que son de historia. Fallas la mitad de las balas, casi todos los enemigos te revientan y tienes que usar una gran cantidad de estimulantes. En ese sentido, creo de verdad que el juego está bastante mal diseñado y es muy frustrante, porque no te dirige como debería.

Ahora bien, llegas a un punto en el que ya te empiezas a ver más fuerte y te acostumbras a que el 50% de las balas no las vayas a acertar por la dispersión y entonces el juego realmente muestra sus bazas fuertes, como lo son su maravilloso storytelling a través de los escenarios y la sensación de exploración, que acaba dando gustito.