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10 days ago

Kellinko completed Super Mario Bros. Wonder
Despite the beauty, the good idea of ​​a change of visual, the expressiveness, the aliveness of characters, and having a wide variety of enemies and situations, this Mario didn't win me over as much as the others. Maybe the speed and simplicity of the stages, the easy difficult (except for one or two 5-star courses), the different movement (we can't jump on others anymore), the unmemorable music, the new items that are little used (we use more he medals now).
Maybe I still prefer the New Mario Deluxe. Maybe if the Deluxe had this look and liveliness, it would be perfect. Yeah, i'm weird, but dont get me wrong, it is still good and fun.

13 days ago

Kellinko completed Cyberpunk 2077
I never thought I'd enjoy this game. From the very beginning and all the hype from people, I was 0 interested. After The Witcher 3, i was disappointed because I don't like the theme, I don't like the GTA style, I don't like shooting. BUT, I gave it a chance after update 2.0 and was surprised... Cyberpunk 2077 is, above all, a CD Projekt game, and therefore has an interesting story. Not only the main campaign, but the side quests as well, and that's what won me over and before I knew it I had already spent 40 hours on the game.

The gameplay was also a surprise, the game is less GTA and more stealth, investigation, and full of good characters. This is the best of the game. Course It does have its problems, yes, like driving cars which is really bad and some repetitive missions like any open world, but it's still worth it. Besides being very beautiful and interesting in all the themes it addresses.

Definitely extremely surprised and now I want the DLC.

14 days ago

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