was really fun until they reset everyone and made it a grind to get a decent flashlight since the one you start with is ass

fun to play with friends for about an hour then gets repetitive and kind of boring, graphics are amazing And just sitting idle on your ship Listening and watching the waves is really relaxing

i will never be this happy ever again

arguably a top 10 wii game ever made imo

on ps3 this game is so laggy it’s not enjoyable to play at times, but literally on any other platform, it is a top 3 sonic game i’ve ever played

not gonna lie if this game wasn’t rushed, this would still be the greatest sonic game ever made, but it’s buggy and borderline unplayable. frame rate is choppy and the levels feel unfinished in some areas. music is fire as hell though

buggy shit ass game also killed battlefront 2

nostalgia may be blinding me but this is actually a pretty good movie tie in game

good sequel, but missing some things to make it perfect