Log Status






Time Played

1h 1m

Days in Journal

5 days

Last played

January 1, 2024

First played

September 19, 2019

Platforms Played


I am flabbergasted.

This playthrough marks the tenth time I've played through Sayonara Wild Hearts (fifth time logged). Year after year, time after time I think, going in, that this is going to be the time the game doesn't fill me with the euphoric feeling it usually does and yet year after year, time after time, Sayonara Wild Hearts has proven me wrong. This is now the tenth time I have lost it during the final few minutes of the game.

I am absolutely flabbergasted.

This is the videogame equivalent of a rollercoaster ride. For just a fleeting moment, it transports you somewhere else entirely. Music. Colors. Voices. Sounds. Feelings. And then it ends. No game has ever made me feel like Sayonara Wild Hearts makes me feel. Euphoria truly is the only way to describe it. It is fucking enchanting.

Wild hearts never die <3

The ritual of Sayonara Wild Hearts being my first completion of every year continues! Still an incredibly special game. Hit extra hard this time due do personal reasons as well, so I ended up loving my time with it more than usual. I don’t really know what else to add, this is the definition of a masterpiece to me.

Wild hearts never die <3

I think this was my 9th playthrough of Sayonara Wild Hearts, and it was just as magical as it was the first time around. Still an absolutely flawless experience. Wild hearts never die, and neither will my love for this game.

This is my...eighth playthrough of the game, maybe? and it never gets old. Every bit as incredible as it was almost a year ago. Wild Hearts Never Die <3