If you've got to play this game, by the Nine Divines stay on the Dreamcast version! It's the lag, you see.

The visuals are glorious. The gameplay is so finely tuned for this entry. And to top it off, it features one of the greatest and most iconic songlists in not just the franchise history, but possibly gaming history. Except Kool Thing. Fuck Kool Thing, that song sucks.

Still very good and a solid entry in the franchise, but a bit of a disappointment in some aspects. While I appreciate the new gameplay mechanic and I actually had a lot of fun with it, I think I would have preferred they do something similar to Smooth Moves on the Wii, really take advantage of all the baloney the joy cons can do. Also, the co-op is fine, but the competitive multiplayer is a far cry from Mega Party Games on the Gamecube. Despite these faults, it felt like a breathe of fresh air that the franchise didn't need, but definitely deserved.

When I first played this game, I questioned why "That's Life" was in the soundtrack.

Years later, I watched the Joker movie

I get it now

This review contains spoilers

I can't believe some old dude farted so hard, everyone thought he was young

The things it gets right, it gets REALLY right. The things it gets wrong, it gets REALLY wrong. This could be said for the vast majority of Game Freak's output for the past 10 years, but there are plenty of great ideas in this game that I can't wait to see Game Freak either never bring back, or inevitably butcher in future releases. I am glad that the series is willing to pull a wacky experiment like this though, reminds me of when we would get a whole bunch of spinoffs for every gen.

Probably the best version of the TCG on the GBA. What are some other 3 letter acronyms I could fit in here? AKA, AFK, TKO, CPU, NFL... maybe some that are actually related to Yugioh too; OTK, FTK, OCG, YGO...

The humor would occasionally feel like it was trying to hard, and the pixel artstyle was certainly unremarkable. While it's not a very noteworthy game, it's still damn fun and that can only be increased if you play with a friend.

There's probably some guy out there that looked at this amazing game and said "Yeah, this will be the perfect addition to my Google Stadia catalog!" and honestly, more power to them

The in-game prices are an absolute joke, but you'll get enough rewards just from playing enough matches and participating in events (which only further delegitimizes the paid content). There's obviously a lot of problems that needs to be addressed, such as the large influx of bots and the snails pace of updates, but this is otherwise the best simulator of the TCG yet (at least from Konami).

A real letdown. The problem with a game like OR/AS was that it changed way too much that the game was barely recognizable. This game's problem was that it didn't change enough, that all of the faults of the original (minus the slow pace) come out full throttle in this version. While this is definitely preferred over the original D/P, I will still go to Platinum for my premiere Sinnoh experience.


He's a good boy who never stops

Objectively correct order to play through:
Blue Lions -> Black Eagles -> Golden Deer
Look up the church cutscenes on YouTube