Pretty good, I don't know why they thought a remake was what this current game climate needed but, here we are.

As an app, it's fine. Some graphical errors now and then and the battle pass UI can be somewhat of a mess what with like 4 different forms of freemium currency, but that's probably expected now with free games like this.

The Pokemon TCG itself is just in a really crappy state at the time of writing this. It doesn't feel like there's a lot of flexibility with deckbuilding, but that's just my experience. Everyone that loves whacking off Charizard so much is a FRAUD and a FAKE FAN

Fun fact about this game; play it

The first like 2/3's of this game are fucking awesome. Great graphics, great soundtrack, awesome moves compared to the first Shinobi game, it's just an awesome time that makes you forget you're playing a Genesis game. The latter part of the game though it starts to fall into some design pitfalls that I feel hold back a lot of similar games from this era. Overall, pretty great especially if you like older platformers. It made me really wanna check out some of the more modern entries.

Not bad for what it is. Not bad at all! They should make more of these. Like, I know there's a sequel, but imagine one of these for GBA or DS, with updated cards and everything like the old Yugioh games! If only.

Probably my favorite of the non-classic Battlefields. This is the only game I can think of that has an intro that makes you feel bad for playing it.

The sniper rifle is a plague on multiplayer shooters and I cannot imagine Sir Joseph Whitworth, inventor of the malicious device, is none too pleased.

Maybe the most mechanically deep entry in the series. Shame that the story sucks, especially compared to Three Houses, but a lot of fun was still had.

The DLC absolutely breaks the game in half though

It's pretty great. The speed is a little bit hard to get used to, and the artstyle/character designs never really meshed with me, but this is otherwise a fine edition to whatever this genre is called (I hate calling them puzzle games, Tetris and Puyo are not puzzle games. Can we come up with something better?)

One of the loading screen tips literally says "How old are the girls? You're asking too many questions!"
Man, this game is for bums.

Fun with friends, but it could use a lot of changes. There is so much fog outside to the point where it's not scary/atmospheric but just frustrating. Finally getting to the end of a day only to die to something you couldn't even see makes for an extremley frustrating gameplay loop.

My first DOA, and it was surprisingly fun. It's unfortunately at a state where online is only inhabited by turbo-virgins that have played the game endlessly since release, but there's a few single player modes to keep busy/practice. Maybe some day I'll come back and try the story mode, but that would require me to play as someone that's not Rachel or Tina (I have a type)

Truly bizarre concept for a game that is executed near flawlessly. A few chapters feel very obtuse, but otherwise it's one of those games everybody needs to check out. The port is a great job too.

This needs a sequel or I will kill a politician on live