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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

April 18, 2022

Platforms Played


I am genuinely in awe. i started this vn sometime around august last year. got confused by the first puzzles (which have no excuse tbh) and quit.
No More Heroes 3 was announced to get a PC, PS4, PS5, and Xbox port.
i started again, just so i could fully understand everything, i even read kurayami dance (VERY excellent manga btw)
i fucking loved it. The Silver Case is absolutely fantastic even as a standalone title. the characters, the stories, the art, the clunky movement and ps1 graphics all make it so fucking good. (best character is kusabi btw)
my only real complaint with the game is that the placebo chapters are kinda boring to play. i think the stories and explanations are interesting, but just playing them is boring. theres only 1 real area that you get to walk around in all 5 of them, and its just got 2 travel points. one from when you wake up on your couch, and one where you interact with your red-eared slider turtle (one of which i actually have right behind my monitor), the phone, the window, and your computer. 8 times out of 10 you just interact with the computer repeatedly, 1/10 its the turtle, and the last 1/10 is the other two. the puzzles in chapter 0 are bad too, but the prologue itself is just kinda slow.

all in all, i would recommend this to anyone that enjoys crime-type things and doesnt mind a ui explosion.

forgot to mention this but turn your sound effects slider to 20%, the typewriter effect is migraine inducing at full 100%.