7 Reviews liked by Kinofie

A beautiful story that I think is one of the best games in the "choose your own adventure" genre of video games, even if your choices along the way don't really impact the end result as much as they just change the journey you take to get there. I also don't love the endings you are presented with because one of them is just absolutely absurd.

Disclaimer: These are my brief thoughts based on my memory of playing this 7 years ago:

Bridget is NOT a GUY. I will NOT tolerate any SLANDER towards her. I am NOT gay.

I was a tiny child when I started playing Pokémon with the OG Red so my baby brain couldn't fully comprehend all the nuances of raising my pocket creatures. It wasn't until Sapphire when I truly "got into" Pokémon so gen three is the most nostalgic to me. A couple years later Emerald came out and became the definitive way to experience Hoenn with combined story content from RS and a new post-game section, the Battle Frontier. Still my favorite Pokémon game.

this isn't fair where's MY catgirl gf