shit makes me go AVGN mode

look how they massacred my boy (Burn My Dread -Last Battle-)

what is this where's waldo trash

a litte lacking in some areas but you gotta praise it for it's concept and it's identity

this iceskating game is awesome but i don't think it makes for a good sonic game, no motherfucker i don't want to scout a 10km wide maze to find all the hidden wounded soldiers and yes i want to shoot eggman's airship with guns but i don't want his stupid fucking hot air balloon to be covered in a layer of nintendium (obsidian for 90s kids(nokia 3310s for the class clowns))

please don't play canvas curse in front of the hoes

the game is good but... oooooh the pacing...

shame how bad they fucked this up, don't pay money for this, play some osu!taiko or something, or get another one, but god this is rough, couldn't even get in game at launch without modding it, the game is also locked at 60fps and you need mods to change that as well, might or might not work fine with your controller depending on your luck, and the online might as well not exist, i'd question if it's even worth the download

Crusader Kings if it was kino