Kairo 2013

Log Status






Time Played

17h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

January 13, 2024

First played

January 10, 2024

Platforms Played


An atmospheric puzzler that uses simple mechanics to deliver a short and surreal experience. While clearly a passion project there's a lack of polish to the game that can't be ignored and will make or break your experience.

The majority of puzzles in Kairo were fine but there are a handful of secrets that are too esoteric to even consider solving. One puzzle could only be solved by the community for example, and that event came and went years ago so a guide is the only way to 100% the game. Meanwhile most of the early details I thought would be clues to later puzzles ended up being entirely irrelevant. The game design is unrefined in that sense but thankfully most of the game is intuitive enough to solo.

Kairo's world, its minimalism, and dashes of environmental storytelling will likely decide if you enjoy the experience or not as beyond the puzzles there's not really anything else to the game. The world is more atmospheric with implied poetic themes and liminal open spaces while being very linear to traverse, so if you need a story and clear instructions this isn't the one for you.

Personally I had no qualms following a guide once I hit certain dead ends and despite that I ended up enjoying the experience for the most part. I was still trying the puzzles first before looking for solutions and filling in gaps. Kairo has a lot of rough edges but the developer's heart is on full display and I can't fault a first attempt too harshly, just expect your mileage to vary.