103 reviews liked by Klaustrix

Extremely hot take.

This dlc is trash. The story is mediocre and bland. The enemies and design are annoying and vacant. The quest design is awful. Everything about this DLC sucked the fun from New Vegas

amazing multiplayer PvE game NO LONGER brought down by the recently enforced PSN account

incredible how sony was able to butt in to one of the most successful launches of a game like this and ALMOST shit all over it

Warning! This game isn’t complete yet. Hopefully the endgame/grind will improve in time, but for now be aware that you can over 100% the game and there is a lackluster message that the devs to wait for further updates

I have nearly 600 baby bunnies please help me

I just refunded this because of Sony's shitty actions, I feel sorry for the devs of this game, you can tell that they poured their hearts and souls into this game.

Edit: Holy shit Helldivers, we did it, we made Sony backtrack. I'm gonna buy the game back now lol.

i'm retiring it now because of all the Sony stuff (which i will not be talking about lol) but also because i just kinda lost interest in it

it's good! the game is executed to its vision extremely well, and it really helps the overall experience of the game by really feeling like you are playing it how it was meant to be viewed. combined with a goofy sort of tone and a reliance on having fun with friends, it makes for a fun time to goof around in and pass the time. i only played like 6 hours of it, mind you, so i can't speak to a lot of the inner workings of the game, mechanics, and all that, but i had fun with it

the biggest problem that comes with these kinds of games is that, for me, i love playing games solo and with friends. this game is so focused on the cooperative experience that you have to play with more than just yourself, and it does turn me off quite a bit when i just wanna kinda fuck around and do things on my own. it's why i got so hooked on Destiny, it's why something like Age of Empires hooks me so well, just any of these games that have both a solid single player and multiplayer experience works so well.

Good luck on your future Arrowhead, i really hope you're able to keep this momentum going!

game is great when it actually lets me play with other people

was okay for a few sessions. dropping it an extra .5 stars for the PSN debacle.

Game is indeed great.
However, Sony took the chance to destroy this game in 60+ countries, by making it so you NEED a PSN account.
I cannot recommend this game to anyone on PC.