12 reviews liked by KnH

Arrêtez d'y jouer et vous verrez que vous ne perdez rien.
Lore incroyable, design incroyable cependant les devs ne veulent que faire des rotations de meta selon leurs envies et bien sûr une politique de skins honteuses. N'achetez pas les skins gacha a 200€ et 450€. Politique de smurfs dont ils s'en tapent bien sûr, ça les arrange bien de voir les personnes toxiques recréer des comptes et acheter.

Amazing sequel, not only graphically, with minor details like snow appearing on the armour, but also the gameplay is much better and the combat is way smoother. The rush-down combos are also very fun, beating everyone to a pulp like the true Batman way. The boss fights are fun. I loved the Ra's al Ghul fight.



rip notre pêcheur knh qui nous a quitté avant la fin de l'aventure

Nice continuation from Yakuza 4. Akiyama is my favourite character next to Majima and I'm glad he got some love with cool new air moves.

A big step-up from Yakuza 3 which was a disaster in my opinion in terms of story and combat. The story in this is a lot more interesting but the combat could always use some work.

Same bullshit story with the controls as some of the previous AC games, but I don't want to keep repeating myself, so I won't talk about it.
But another problem here is the mission markers, it's so badly done and imprecise. I'd be better guided using Google Maps on Bing.

Aside from that, cool story and an amazing soundtrack. Really makes you feel like a viking.
Love the combat and an old-fashioned viking-style raid. I always prefer stealth in games, especially AC games, for obvious reasons, but this is one of the few games where I actually preferred fighting head-on rather than from the shadows.

I really enjoyed conquering each zones with their own little stories and characters. And the last few fights were genuinely awesome.

Great game, as expected of the Yakuza series.

Although the combat…where to even begin…
I know many people were getting tired of the old combat and are a fan of the new one, but turn-based combat is the bane of my gaming experience.
The combat gets repetitive quicker than the older combat because it's always the same things. And you have little to no control over when you're blocking or dodging and what combos you want to do.

I've always been here for the story, but the beat 'em up combat style was also a big part of the games, and it's a shame this change had to be done on my favourite game franchise.

Apart from the subjectively god-awful combat, I really love the story. A lot of crazy plot twists to really keep you on the edge of your seat. Also love Ichi as a protagonist, nice change from an always-gloomy guy to a more fun and outgoing one. Though I also love Kiryu of course. <3

Awesome game just like Automata.
This series has one of the greatest soundtracks, and that in of itself is reason enough to actually play these games.
Like the first game, I love how the same songs have different variations, and sometimes it has functional purposes. For example, when you're in the overworld, the song you hear is actually being sung by Devola. Once you go to talk to her, only the music will carry on as she is talking to us now, hence not singing any more. I don't know why, but I found that really cool.

Between this and Automata, I still prefer Automata overall, but this was an amazing game nonetheless.

Sekiro: I Die A Whole Lot

But more seriously, this is the first souls-like game that I played seriously. The story is amazing, but we all know where the real magic lies in this game; the combat.
This has the best swordplay I've ever seen in a game.
I've always been more of a dodge person rather than blocking or parrying, but this game really made me a big fan of parrying. Now, I tend to parry a lot more in games when given the option.
Pair this with all the cool combat arts and maybe some mods, and you have yourself a badass samurai, looking like it came straight out of an anime.