5 reviews liked by Kokannut

This game hasn't come out yet but I don't AF. Wonder Woman has the fattest ass in DC and an even fatter thurst for combat. She is going to fuck up Ares and end the game beating the shit out of Steve Trevor. Dumping him for Cheetah. Can't wait 5/5.

Killing the final boss in 1 hit thanks to OP grenadier strats was very fun. Man, I wish war was real...

It's called the Pythagorean theorem dumbass

Started a bit slow and didn’t quite stick the landing, but everything in between made this one of my favorite gaming experiences of 2023. The combat system was fun, the characters were likable, and the world was well realized and fun to explore. The music was also a highlight. I’d recommend this game to anyone with fond memories of playing through classic SNES RPGs like Chrono Trigger and Secret of Mana.

I only ever played this at McDonalds