This game gets kinda boring after a couple of hours playing, but if you really like Digimon, you should give it a try.

A good simulator, but it gets kinda boring after playing it some times.

First, this game is surprisingly amazing and works quite well after. Good job Konami, hope you keep improving this game.
Second, Yu-Gi-Oh as game have some issues with the balancing, being really fun in full casual, but annoying in the competitive, in that case, the best way to play if don't want a competitive game is with friends or in the solo mode.


Creation mode is really cool, I loved the cell and the creature stage (creature is the best part of the game), there's a lot of customization possibilities, but it has a lot of issues. The combat in creature stage is not that good and rest of the game isn't as fun as the rest. In the end, Spore is a boring and tedious game with a nice idea.

It's a good Yu-Gi-Oh game, but it is also outdated. His only issue is that need to grind a little too much.

It's a pretty good game, if you grew up watching Power Rangers might be kinda nostalgic.
The game is a little too easy and have some bugs on the PS4 version, you will get tired if you play too much of it, but still a great game.

That game is one of the most nostalgic that I have played in my life.
Yes, it is outdated and easy to beat e a small amount of time, but it also bring me so many memories that I can't dislike it.
I used to play it when I was at my cousin's house, Plants vs Zombies was our favorite game to play together.

Even after so many years, this game still very fun to play.

Have some problems here and there, but still a nice Platinum game with a good combat.