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Kremdanieko abandoned Little Kitty, Big City
Like a moth drawn to a flame, I'm frequently drawn to these "cozy" casual indie games.
Little Kitty, Big City is a buggy title. They were frequent and while none I encountered were game breaking they were the most noteworthy part of the experience. Aside from these technical flaws the game is quite dull. Repetitive fetch quests for characters with borderline ridiculous amounts of dialogue.

The appeal of mucking around as a cat is undercut by tedious objectives and a distinct lack of polish. I think this would be a decent game for young children but I don't think there's anything here for an adult.

9 hrs ago

Kremdanieko completed Code Vein
If you're into or can get past the cybergoth anime vampire aesthetic and accompanying writing and character mannerisms, this is a competent and above average souls clone to dabble into.
It has some neat mechanics that set it apart from simply being weeaboo dark souls. However its distinct lack of enemy variety and some middle of the road level design hurt the fairly lengthy experience. I clocked in around 20 hours but I'd already seen all the enemies the game had to offer about a third of the way in. Fighting the same enemies for an extended runtime starts to get dull and I wish there were more and with greater variance. As too many foes end up being guys with weapons and little else.

At the end of the day I enjoyed my time with it and I'll probably replay it in the future. If you like souls games and their copycats you're likely to enjoy Code Vein. Just don't expect a mindblowing experience.

3 days ago

Kremdanieko reviewed A Little to the Left
A little to the left is an IQ test disguised as a "cozy" game. As such it's entirely about figuring out the logic behind a pattern and recreating this pattern.
It will occasionally get particularly daring by making you play spot the difference, but that's about it.
The visuals were cute enough and the music was nice. But I would only spend about a dollar on it for the short length and repetition present. If you have gamepass, it's on there so maybe give it a try.

8 days ago

Kremdanieko completed A Little to the Left
A little to the left is an IQ test disguised as a "cozy" game. As such it's entirely about figuring out the logic behind a pattern and recreating this pattern.
It will occasionally get particularly daring by making you play spot the difference, but that's about it.
The visuals were cute enough and the music was nice. But I would only spend about a dollar on it for the short length and repetition present. If you have gamepass, it's on there so maybe give it a try.

9 days ago

Kremdanieko completed Another Crab's Treasure
The unique ideas that Crab Souls brings to the formula are an entertaining mixup to be sure, but they don't hide the issues I had with the game.
Enemy stats seem overtuned. Even with a lot of stats put into attack, it never felt like it made a difference. Their damage output is also kind of absurd. Being prone to two-shotting the player at any given time.
Bosses felt the most balanced. Predictable but tricky attack timings and movesets that felt more in line with Dark Souls 1 than the later titles in that franchise. They were the highlight of the experience for me because of this.
The writing was winceworthy to me and I really didn't like the characterization of the main character. The overuse of the word "kiddo" also bugged me as I went on. Seeing as a prominent character will call the protagonist this about 50 times every conversation with her.

The game is on gamepass and I'd probably reccommend playing it there if you really like souls clones. It has some neat ideas, but unfortunate jank and lacking enemy variety prevent it from being something really special.

13 days ago

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