5 Reviews liked by Kugelblitz

My all time favorite game that I have played thus far…I can’t say that enough times. An absolute blast to play and it has a story that stays with you forever after.

I love this game and the mansion!…I don’t love Crimson Heads though.

Objectively, a very good game and quite fun, but I think it is the slightest bit overrated. Wonderful characters though! A bit too lengthy for even the main story.

Replayed this as part of my Atelier replay marathon. It definitely is not the best Atelier game, but it was still a ton of fun.

There are tons of charming characters and the gameplay is leisurely enough to just make you want to sit back and chill with it. The story is somewhat cliche and isn’t my favorite, but is still decent. I really do miss the heavy humor present in the Arland sub series, but I can still appreciate this entry of the Mysterious series all the same.

I am changing my rating from back in 2020, raising it by half a star. My reason for doing so is probably due to how I played the game this time versus last time. I tried to progress in the main storyline quickly last time…and had to grind levels at the end for the final boss. This time, I played more slowly, doing side content and character quests while leveling. This is definitely how the game is supposed to be played. There is more to it than battle and narrative, as I am learning is the case with Atelier in general.

If you want a chill game that is fun, play this! Not the best game or even the best one in the series by any means, but a solid entry and beginning of a new sub series.

Edit: finally got plat!

I just can’t do it…I cannot form a comprehensive review on this game. Saying what it meant to me and how much I needed it, saying the themes it addressed resonated with me so much, and saying how much I adored it, still wouldn’t do it justice. So instead of writing a proper review here, I am just going to give some advice.

Go in as blind as possible.

Do the side quests. If you leave one or two of the ones for completionists, that is fine, but get the most world-building you can.

Be open-minded. Some of these themes and decisions you make in game are VERY uncomfortable. They are worth it though.

Don’t get hyper focused on what you think of the combat system.

Finally, have someone to discuss it with after! I saw the true ending, but didn’t break until I discussed the game and its themes with a friend. Then, it truly made a difference in my life. Plenty of people have played this…so find someone!

That is all. Truly a work of art.