Idk what to say, I couldn't stand this game. Worst tales game I played.

Solid game but it's main issue lies in the combat for me. It takes way too long to unlock everything that makes it fun. The first 10-15 hours are bloody miserable when it comes to fighting.

Lots of content but way less characters then previous SO games.
This game is fun, if you're like me and can pass over a terrible plot, bad dialogue and horrible looking characters, you actually get a game that has a really fun combat system.
Combat is better then other it's main competition at the time Tales of Vesperia IMO

Be warned, there is an infamously terrible plot twist in this game. Besides that, this is a great ARPG. At this time SO was doing combat way better then tales imo.
Lots and lots of content in this game: 3 post game dungeons, extra difficulties, battle trophies, etc. AN RPG WITH A SKIP CUTSCENE BUTTON FINALLY.

This game is good. Nothing about it is excellent, every aspect has flaws but overall turns out to be a solid game. Personally nostalgic for me so 4.5 stars.

They tried man, they really did
The last spyro game I gave a damn about

Even 8 year old me knew this game was trash

Hard to give a non biased review.
This was my first love, my first game that stuck with me.
Brings so many great memories, can't help but smile when I play it.

Although I prefer the 3rd game, this game definitely does a better job with the narrative and the translation.
Deception has a very unique gameplay loop and I think after like just 1 or 2 hours of gameplay you will already know if the game is for you or not.