9 reviews liked by Kutsune

Eu realmente demorei uns bons anos pra entender que era um jogo de entregas e que era pra eu ir até às setas amarelas do mapa. Uma grande propaganda no fim das contas.

eu não acredito que encontrei esse jogo

Dado que eu jogava os jogos normais na época que eu devia estar jogando esses, a versão Júnior é bem mais besta do que a normal e muito fácil (eu consegui 1 Milhão de primeira, inclusive). Porém, impressionante o fato de todas as perguntas serem dubladas e eu gostei de algumas terem as alternativas em imagens.

É um jogo que incrivelmente funciona e é bem divertido, por mais que fosse bem difícil chegar até a pergunta de 1 milhão.

" Eu sou misógino!
Eu sou misógino!
Eu sou misógino! " - Silvio Santos

Un très bon Sonic like, les boss sont cool et la narration plus poussée que dans les jeux Sonic retro.

it's competent, I love the graphics and music, and the characters are charming enough, but everything else is... rough, though it does show some promise that could be fleshed out properly in a sequel.
my main problem is with the combat, which often forces you to deal with swarm of enemies you can't see coming and force you to take unnecessary damage. plus the bosses are very frustrating, and I found myself constantly dying in the later parts of the game because I could not discern a boss' attack pattern.
the level design is serviceable, apart from some cool themes, it's mostly unremarkable filler that doesn't really stick out in any way, good or bad.
the gameplay is just a worse version of classic Sonic, sorry not sorry lol. the physics clearly try to emulate a Sonic feeling but it makes movement feel very off, like it's not right just ever so slightly, mostly in the momentum and jump. it's hard to explain why but it just doesn't feel very good to play.
the story is uninteresting and honestly kind of annoying, with the voice acting straight out of late 2000s Newgrounds, which I have no nostalgia for, so it comes off as very amateurish.
overall yeah not the worst time you could have, and while nothing special, I am interested in what improvements a sequel could bring.