Great Game, combat either the best or the biggest piece of dogshit. Loved the story, please play it.

The biggest piece of dogshit

This game is either a masterpiece, or has me holding my pain in absolute agony. Uchikoshi is honestly just one of those writers, love Kaname Date

This game is great, but it doesn't have a strong of a mystery as the first. Plus it just discards the first game. Best cast though for sure, and had potential to be better than Somnium Files

Hot woman is not enough to save this mess of a fucking story

This shit is #RealCreamerNation

If everything is meaningless, then why did I play this game. Huh Yokotaro? Explain that one liberal.

Amazing combat + story

This the shit that makes you wanta fuck a man. Great story great gameplay great meaning WE LOVE METAL GEAR

Great game with fascinating story revolving around templars and mages. BUT, the level design is so repetitive and genuinely boring at times

You're telling me my human warrior's dad was a BM?!?!?

I just wanted my father's applause.

I watched my friend play this, and felt my stomache churning. I've never felt so much pain before in my life. I was throwing up everywhere, and felt my insides fighting against me. My life for 2 hours was pure agony, and hatred. I couldn't feel joy, I couldn't feel well. All I felt in that moment was true despair. I was a broken man.

Don't play it.


What if instead of making amari, J.Cole made Omori? That's what this game feels like