It's not really that much like blood gameplay-wise and the weapons are kinda standard but that's no real issue, this game is fire.

The mediocre expansion. Attempt at narrative are mediocre, the missions are mediocre, the arena was the highlight until enemy behavior doesn't outright cheat against you in a insuffereable manner

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I didn't wake up bros...

You just wanna play this once, which for a Resident Evil/Biohazard game is pretty bad

Better than Return To Castle Wolfenstein and with a surprisingly good narrative

I got filtered hard by the controls first I tried the game but once I got used to them the game becomes addicting but the controls are still limiting in a bad way and I'm not sure if this formula is for me, still great a game

Serious Sam 4 was the best, this is even better

The physics are a little weird at times but they work 90% of the time anyway.

Man I've almost cried

Despite me not giving a single fuck about pinball to the point of abandoning this game I think you should give this game a chance. It's too creative and cute not too

Started really fun then the latter half comes in and the game becomes a chore, if I were good at videogames and a lab god I would probably love this game

If you don't like serious sam this isn't going to change it otherwise this is the most fun I had with the franchise

No one told Warhammer 40000 as a sidescroller would've been so much fun

Haven't won the game as of yet but this is best non-official videogame adaptation of Judge Dredd.

Maybe a little repetitive but I can't not recommend it as a fan of Judge Dredd.

A FPS game with one of the best arsenals in any game, there's some redundancies but overall you don't really feel it

The best one on the PS1 indeed but the same issue of the Project Phantasma are there too if in minor form, carrying you saves from the previous 2 games flanderize a lot of the difficulty but the game still showers with cash either way.