120 Reviews liked by LOLTame

Easily my favorite game of all time. Did a replay of it this year, and it only made me appreciate this game even more. The story and characters are well written, and the game has a consistent theme of hope versus despair, which I think they do really well. Towards the end of the story the game takes the story in a different direction than some would expect, and it makes me appreciate it so much more. The worlds are massive and fun to explore, with tons of things to find and monsters to fight. The combat is so satisfying once you get the hang of it all (which trust me there's a lot to remember). The music is also phenomenal pretty much all the way through. It's so easy for me to get immersed in these types of games, and this game is no different. A must play for any JRPG fans!

Love this game. Amazing combat system, incredible story with one of the best cast of characters I’ve seen in a while, and just a phenomenal soundtrack.

Persona 4 Golden is my favorite game of all time.

2016. I was a depressed, angry, suicidal teenager who had just graduated the year before and had spent his post high school life wandering aimlessly through life and pushing away everyone he had ever cared about.

I had not felt joy in years and the hobby that had previously brought me comfort now only bored me. A friend of mine convinced me to get a Vita and a copy of this game so I gave it a shot. I was not ready for what I was about to experience.

Persona 4 Golden is a genuine work of art. It is a truly beautiful game... and it saved my life.

Persona 4 Golden is a very long game, but it uses that length to it's advantage by giving the story plenty of time to breathe. You spend a lot of time taking in the sights, exploring the town and talking to its residents. Even more time however is spent getting closer to and learning about your party members and a few select special individuals. You truly learn a lot about these people, and this town and you really get attached. The story itself I will not spoil, but it is a murder mystery with a super natural spin and all the twists and turns are very interesting and keep you engaged from start to finish and for an 80+ hour game that is a major victory.

The SMT series as a whole is constantly revamping the JRPG turn based formula and Persona 4 is no exception. The game is split into two halves. The "real world" where you live your life as a normal high school student, getting closer to your friends working jobs, going to holiday gatherings, and living in this new town and the "shadow world" where you fight the existential horrors of mankind given form. The balance between the two keeps things from getting stale and the actual battles themselves are made ever more engaging with the unique spin on turn based combat that incentivize using the proper moves on the proper enemies to steal turns away. Play your cards right (pun intended) and you can finish fights without even giving your opponent a single turn.

The Persona series is full of amazing music and this game is no exception. Don't even waste your time reading my words talking about it, just go listen to the soundtrack right now even if you don't play the game! Persona music is just simply THAT good!

I love this game so much. It really is one of the most special experiences I have ever had the joy of playing through and I will NEVER forget my time in Inaba. I love the entire series, but this game will always have a special place in my heart as the game that literally saved my life.

Thank you for listening.

"Trails of Cold Steel has reached it's conclusion" had me cumming


They going to hell for some of these romance scenes.

The most its not for you game of all time, hop off bud

Remember when i said Cs4 was peak? i was lyin, this PEAK,ZENITH of the medium, REAL JRPGS, dont talk to me about no Final fantasy, Game so Good Disment acting like a monkey just lookin at the cover.




Okay I didn't expect it would be this good. Since the previous game, the grandeur of this work has reappeared, a masterpiece, with the exception of the first chapter. Simply speechless what this series has become for me with the conclusion of this arc. Again, another one of the best endings I've ever seen. It was a complete experience.
It has one of my favorite endings from any game, and one of my favorite emotional scenes in fiction. We can argue this game has flaws, but it was more a love letter to me.

THIS GAME IS FUCCING AMAZING and the characters are very likeable, yes even teddy and while Bosses are very spongy and sometimes annoying they are still fun to figure out how to wittle down and defeat. Play this game NOW.

What a journey this saga was. The bracers, the SSS, and Class VII. I know there's still Hajimari left but still, this just did everything right. I loved Rean's journey throughout the entire game and his well deserved conclusion making him my favorite Trails character next to Lloyd. Everything about this game managed to surpass the beautiful game that was Cold Steel 3 in a way that doesn't feel dragged on or cut short. This series constantly outdoes itself with every finale being better than the previous, and every soundtrack being more grand than the last. What a truly incredible ending to the Erebonia Arc.

I adore Cold Steel 3 so much. Immediately capitalizes on the events that transpired within Cold Steel 2 (which I can't say for obvious reasons) and because of that it tugs at your heart strings so easily. This felt like a celebration to the previous Cold Steel games, and maybe even Trails as a whole. For the graphics, it's such a major improvement from 2's it left me in awe. The story was phenomenal as usual, and the music just blows you away. What's not to love about this game? I could ramble a lot more about it but I would probably spoil it, so for now just know that this game is phenomenal.