Imperial Japan: 1868 - 1945

1868, the Japanese Civil War ended, the Tokugawa Shogunate disappeared and a new Meiji government was established. Then came several inter-state wars with catastrophic consequences in 1945. These games are set against the background of such a turbulent 80-year period.
Not on IGDB: 藤堂龍之介探偵日記(PC-9801) - リバーヒルソフト | 神代學園幻光録 クル・ヌ・ギ・ア(PlayStation) - Asmik Ace | 八八艦隊物語(PC-9801) - 徳間書店

You're now the brink of time. Would you like to jump to another time-space?
Mythology | ???? - 1180 | 1180 - 1477 | 1477 - 1615 | 1615 - 1868 | 1868 - 1945 | ??????

The game motivated me to create this series of lists relating to Japanese history. Very funny and interesting. One thing that I found surprising in making this list is that very few video games deal with the Meiji era.
Sakura Wars is supposed to be set in the Taisho period, but Taisho is Taisho but with slightly different kanji. The historical Taisho is "大正" and the Sakura Wars Taisho is "太正".
Fake Sakura Wars. Sakura Wars scenario writers are involved.
Chapter 3 to the Showa era.


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