23 Reviews liked by LaLtheGaL

I drowned the ogre spider by accident and stole his identity and I still feel bad about it.

Why is the Sloshing Machine Like That

One of the Boos called himself "Boo B." and I still haven't fully recovered from it.

The game's getting a little too real when the physics have a hiccup and while I'm standing there trying to process what happened, Sonic just holds his head like this game's giving him a headache. Like same, man.

Look this game is poo poo pee pee, you don't need me to tell you that. But I can eat Subway with my horribly grotesque pets and that's all that matters in the end.

These bugs keep veering the conversation toward religion and politics and then won't shut up about it and I'm like "Wow this is just like Thanksgiving."

Had a ton of fun with this one. Still would like to go back and get more trophies. Definitely got a lot more out of this one than expected and glad I took a chance on it!

A bit of a letdown after how much I enjoyed the previous games. It outstays its welcome a bit and the battle system ends up completely leaning on a fairly lame stagger mechanic. By the end it just feels like the game's preventing you from using your items and skills more than dealing with them more directly which makes even basic fights much more spongey than they need to be. Item management feels kind of a pain too. It's still fun to blow up bosses in one shot, you just need to spend a few turns lining that up, even more so in late bosses where not only does it have the stagger point but also summon enemies which soak up even more damage. Ultimately unsatisfying.