5 reviews liked by Lackyducks

Got this game as a gift from a friend for Christmas, and loved every second of it.

A fun, cute, and hilarious indie title that only takes a few hours to 100%.

Thanks Laura ♡

Luna's Fishing Garden is such a wonderful little game! It's an idler, which means it's very easy to play and you can't lose in this one.

Your goal is to collect fish and other resources in order to restore the islands. Most of the time you'll be either placing new plants or fishing. I should say that some fishes are a bit harder to catch than others, but the overall difficulty is okay, you shouldn't have any problems with that.

The art is pretty and very cheerful to look at, the music is nice too. The plot is... there, not much to say about it. Anyway, the idlers don't really need it, so it's fine, it's just not the strongest point of the game.

I recommend this game if you're feeling tired and burnout to play something big or if you simply like casual games. It will keep you occupied for an evening or two, and you can always return to your garden or begin a new game, if you feel like it ♡

I've really liked this puzzle! The pictures are aesthetically pleasing, I'm in love with them. Also it has a nice little bonus: there are recommendations on what cat you should adopt based on your sign <3 I don't believe in horoscopes, but it's still a very cute detail.

Perfectly cute and light game.

If I've got a complaint it's that at the end, it's a lot of waiting for materials without it being very actively involved. You run out of things to do fairly early on as you can automate gathering of plants and fruit (which you'll want to do), I just wish the game gave a little more to do while you wait for some of these numbers to go up.

It’s so gay and the gameplay is extremely fun and it’s so cute and sailor moon inspired and it’s a slept on indie gem from this year!!! Play it!!!
P.S. 😘 to Ro and Ro only
P.S.S. Maybe possibly to Garlic too

Edit: Okay maybe just Ro but Garlic is my Bff and Emby’s so cute and FLOOFY

I’ve given this a lot of thought