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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

June 20, 2023

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Certainly an improvement over Mars War Logs but that only serves to highlight how far behind its ispiration it is. From what I remember of Greedfall and now playing through their older games, I'd say Spiders is much better at ideas than execution.
Unlike their other IPs, the setting and story here is a bit too generic but the characters in theory should be interesting. There just isn't enough meat to their story to really flesh out their personality. The romance is good microcosm of the whole issue in all their games, where characters show 0 romantic interest in you, you get a half hearted romance scene towards the end outta nowhere and then it's back to what it was before.
They really need to stop this checklist approach to RPG design and hire writers that can write more evocative characters. Otherwise I'm sure the upcoming Greedfall sequel will fail too.