It's euro truck simulator but for boats

Makes you feel like the first time you played normal minesweeper

The story was interesting and the visuals are great but it felt like it was trying to be like hotline miami, which it never really did.

The visuals and music are great but the puzzles were just very easy that it turned more into a walking simulator. Play Antichamber if you want a similar experience but with actual puzzles

Was a great game that looked like it had so much potential, then the dev released some updates which made player interaction as negative as possible to the point that anyone who was around before the update quit the game, leaving mic spammers the only people around. The game actually went public on steam a while ago despite the dev already abandoning it, which makes it seem like the dev never really cared and just wants money. Don't buy this game.

The map design made it so that you couldn't even see enemies until you were in their line of sight so you had no time to react and kill them. For me, the main appeal of these games is planning out the best way to clear the room but if you can't see half the room it just feels unfair.
In the first game it seemed like you could do everything with melee and guns weren't needed. In this it feels like you have to use guns and I think I would have given the game 4 stars if it made both options viable allowing the player to pick how they want to play.
The story was fantastic but gameplay really brought it down.